You would read this post no matter how long it is, if u really care about me n wanna know wats happening in my life
It's d whole truth n nothing but the truth. it's been happening for the past 3 months almost.... but i didnt play a major port in it. it was all His work. all i did was obey n let Him take control. i knew i had to move on. i knew i wasnt meant to be here for long. i knew i had to go elsewhere. n i knew that it was going to be very very soon.i knew where i was going to go to. i knew all this in June, even in July. but everything started blurring n fading in August but come Sept, i didnt know anything anymore. i didnt have control of wat was happening in my life everyday. all i knew was that i had to live for that day. He didnt tell me anything in detail except for the fact that i have to leave again. but where to? n when? for how long? until a few moments ago, i was still asking those questions. but now, i know where i'm going to. i know when i'll be going. i know y i'm going, n most importantly, i know y He wants me there. :D I'm going to Scotland...not for holi...