its so easy to say "walk it off".....
but it's not really easy to actually walk it off...
i'm one of those ppl who push myself to walk an extra mile ( not literally ), or climb stairs by telling myself that it's good exercise.... (n also telling/encouraging other ppl :P)
really it is....
only if it is a few meters ( or a few kilometers also no problem la... depending on d situation like excessive baggage, climatic conditions, physical conditions, and most importantly surrounding/environmental/living being conditions! ), or a few flights of stairs..
but will u be able to do it if u were to walk a thousand seven hundred and eighty six steps to burn off the calories which u consumed from 2 bites of a chocolate bar??
if don't quite understand what i'm talking about... hang in there... it'll be my honour to explain :)
have u ever seen one of those health charts that tells u how many sit ups n push ups u have to do in order to stay fit n slim n healthy?? well, i saw one of those a few weeks ago in a health magazine. but this chart is not about push ups n sit ups.... it's about walking the calories off....
for ppl like me who dread push ups n sit ups (n any sort of exercise which requires physical strength n mental stability for that matter ), this walking tips is a huge welcome......
i'll show u d chart but don't be too happy yet

how will i EVER be able to walk off all d calories i gained from d whole zip cadbury bar which i 'shared' from mum yesterday afternoon?
actually, on a happier note... i think d chocolate bar wasnt too bad... but how will i EVER EVER walk off all d calories that i gained from ALL d food n chocolates n doughnuts n potato chips n milkshakes that i've been draining down my throat for the past 3 months??!!! ( 1 day i'll post up d pics of all d food that i've gobbled down ... n then u'll believe that i do eat a l ot )
given my current lifestyle ( which is eat, sleep, watch tv, n sit in front of d comp n walk only less than hundred steps a day ), i think i'll have to walk all d way to penang n back... a FEW TIME!!
PS: no wonder those extra pounds have authoritatively taken up residence in various parts of my body n ruining most of my shopping chances!! ggrrr.......
i'm one of those ppl who push myself to walk an extra mile ( not literally ), or climb stairs by telling myself that it's good exercise.... (n also telling/encouraging other ppl :P)
really it is....
only if it is a few meters ( or a few kilometers also no problem la... depending on d situation like excessive baggage, climatic conditions, physical conditions, and most importantly surrounding/environmental/living being conditions! ), or a few flights of stairs..
but will u be able to do it if u were to walk a thousand seven hundred and eighty six steps to burn off the calories which u consumed from 2 bites of a chocolate bar??
if don't quite understand what i'm talking about... hang in there... it'll be my honour to explain :)
have u ever seen one of those health charts that tells u how many sit ups n push ups u have to do in order to stay fit n slim n healthy?? well, i saw one of those a few weeks ago in a health magazine. but this chart is not about push ups n sit ups.... it's about walking the calories off....
for ppl like me who dread push ups n sit ups (n any sort of exercise which requires physical strength n mental stability for that matter ), this walking tips is a huge welcome......
i'll show u d chart but don't be too happy yet
how will i EVER be able to walk off all d calories i gained from d whole zip cadbury bar which i 'shared' from mum yesterday afternoon?
actually, on a happier note... i think d chocolate bar wasnt too bad... but how will i EVER EVER walk off all d calories that i gained from ALL d food n chocolates n doughnuts n potato chips n milkshakes that i've been draining down my throat for the past 3 months??!!! ( 1 day i'll post up d pics of all d food that i've gobbled down ... n then u'll believe that i do eat a l ot )
given my current lifestyle ( which is eat, sleep, watch tv, n sit in front of d comp n walk only less than hundred steps a day ), i think i'll have to walk all d way to penang n back... a FEW TIME!!
PS: no wonder those extra pounds have authoritatively taken up residence in various parts of my body n ruining most of my shopping chances!! ggrrr.......