My classmates

I've got the most interesting kind of classmates this time.

cos they're from all over the world.(Saudi Arabia, Afganistan, Pakistan, Greece, India, UK, USA, Syria, Nigeria... i dont remember where else from). there are about 25 students in my class rite now, out of which :

-10 of them are doctors and a few out of the 10 are child specialists,
-1/3 of the whole population are married
-about 5 of them have children (there's one student who has 20 year old triplets and a very
supporting husband and family)
-d others who arent doctors and specialized in something very 'high-tech'
-another 1/3 have working experience
-1 silly girl is fresh out of undergrad school.... me

my classmates are such smart alexes! i'm not fool myself, but i just chose to stay undercover by not showing how smart i am and end up making a fool out of myself in the end! sigh...

when d lecturer talks about some disease, and asks about wat diagnosis they have to give, wat kind of test can be done n things of that sort... these doctors and child specialists are d ones who answer with such high termed names n things that i havent heard of.

i'll be like so blur when they talk about things like this. initially i thought it was part of wat i've missed during the 1st two weeks. n then i got to know that they knew d answers cos they've done it in their MBBS n specialization.

how r normal ppl like us supposed to keep up with them like this la....?


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