what Malaysia and India couldnt do to me, Glasgow has already done it

from a person who coolly but confidently said that her mum would come with her to India ( but it didnt happen... my mum threw me in a hostel ), for a person who refused to help in d kitchen in any way other than wash the dishes once in a while, from a person who used to like baking ( which was once upon a time ), from a person who survives on juice and biscuits and refuses to stand in front of the stove and cook lunch or dinner even if she's starving, from a person who survives on afforable instant food, from a person who assumes that she's gonna make her husband cook and help around with the housework.......

arises a girl who can do all this:



TO BE CONTINUED NEXT WEEK. ( PS: anytime within the next one week)

make sure u keep an eye on this page, so that u dont miss out on wat the 8th world wonder is


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