How do you like my new template and header??
When i came to my page today to see if there's any comments or msges left for me... i was taken aback by the huge header and the different template... i thought someone had hacked my blog and changed everything! hahahha... i completely forgot that i was fooling around with it last nite..
so how do u like the change??
I like the pic in my header.. took it when i went to Glasgow Green for the Fireworks in Nov. It was one of my fav pics of the nite. i like the new template too ... looks kindda bright and cheerful. I made changes to the clocks also. The new one has the time, day and date as well.. so that it'll be easier to know the time difference.
D only thing i dont like is the spacing and arrangements...
I've left it as it is, cos i dont know how to make d header stay in d centre. :P
oh.. n i've learnt to put my name on my pics as well!!!

:D :D :D
so how do u like the change??
I like the pic in my header.. took it when i went to Glasgow Green for the Fireworks in Nov. It was one of my fav pics of the nite. i like the new template too ... looks kindda bright and cheerful. I made changes to the clocks also. The new one has the time, day and date as well.. so that it'll be easier to know the time difference.
D only thing i dont like is the spacing and arrangements...
I've left it as it is, cos i dont know how to make d header stay in d centre. :P
oh.. n i've learnt to put my name on my pics as well!!!
:D :D :D