~14000 word post

A couple of friends decided to meet up for lunch and catch up on each other cos one of their friend was back home for a short break. let me introduce the characters to you before i continue my story. The poser (with a calligraphic capital P) (POSER) L-R: The Batman (BATMAN) and Rowdy Ranggamma (RR) And yours truly, Camera nose (CN) Just like any other sane person would be, the characters in this story are the same... except that the word sane doesnt defy them the same way as it does for others.... to these ppl sane means, being themselves, having fun, laughing at each other n at themselves, and entertaining their audience at their own cost. they are never seen without a camera, especially CN... otherwise, how will u ever be able to capture moments that will never come by again?? see...... these species are not meant to be normal... but they are normal against the odds though... the probability is very less anyways and vanity runs in their blood.... i'm sorry but thats incurable... ...