Air Asia D7 2008, 19th April 2009

(Wrote this while i was ony my way back-that would explain the confused present n past tenses! For simplicity's sake, its all in Malaysian time)

4.45 pm

Boarded the flight, while praying very hard that no one sits next to me. (the last I checked, there wasn’t anyone who was booked next to me. I’m hoping it stays that way!pls Lord). No one was seated in 25B, I was obviously overjoyed thinking there wasn’t gonna be someone after all. I happily made myself comfortable and kept my jacket on the empty seat next to me. I carefully avoid eye contact with anyone who was walking pass me.. for fear that they might be sitting in 25B.


An elderly English man with a huge tummy and bad cigarette breath stops along seat 25 n stared at me. Oh no… he’s gonna be sitting here!! I gingerly take away my jacket n let him sit. If given a choice I don’t wanna take my jacket away at all!!


He’s taken up the entire arm rest!! That’s not fair! its not meant only for him ok, I wanna put my hand on that damned thing as well! Ggrr!!!


Oh no.. he snores!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I woke up to a view something like this out the window (I woke up mainly because of the snoring that came from 25 B!!!),

and was staring at it for a few seconds and I thought we were flying over some ocean. When I kept looking at it… the ocean was very very strangely still, not one bit of water movement… ) n then I looked at the clouds n I thought that was very strange too.. cos even that wasn’t moving.. then I started panicking thinking that the flight was d one that wasn’t moving n that something was wrong! I thought I had missed some emergency announcement on the PA system while I was sleeping. I looked a little longer n I realized I was looking that the flight wing n thought it was d ocean!


Gave up trying to use the stupid head/neck rest that I went hunting for while back home.

Its meant to be comfortable… not hurt my neck even more. I hate long journeys… my neck n my back always gets messed up and I have to live with that for the next few days! The picture clearly says I was supposed to use it like how I did… but it didn’t help at all… n now its sitting on my left arm rest.

(good job Chumi! 1st u go hunting for it high n low, n now u let the arm rest use a nexk/head considerate of u!)


look at the menu... i get two meals.. :D

when those going to Aussie and China only get one meal!! HHAHAH

ETA : it was hopeless! My dinner. This is wat u get for taking Air Asia for a looooong distance journey. Emirates gave me two extensive meals last year

n look at wat Air Asia is giving me now…

its not that I am putting air asia down… but I expect a lot more from an air lines that charges its passengers enough to be a bit more high standard. (I’ll talk about air asia another day)


The couple in front of me is kissing… I hope its not a French kiss. Can u like wait till u get back home… or just go to the loo!


I don’t know where we are.. .but its this bright at 9pm Malaysian time.

So may people are walking up n down.. while I’m so glued to my seat. I cant get out of my place cos this man next to me is sleeping like a log n I cant possibly jumpm over him… there’s absolutely no room for that. If I ever try to get out of my seat, I’ll only end up tripping over him.. I might as well stay put. Who cares if my legs go numb or my knees get jammed in that same position. I’m not risking it.


There’s a kid jumping around on the seat n happily talking an playing with the toy that the air hostess gave her. I also wan….


I’m writing this in a font size of 7 cos I don’t want the man next to me to read it. For the life of myself, I can t even read wat I’m typing… so I’m pretty sure he cant either.


Can I get out of here already??? There’s another 9 hours to reach London, and then 8 hours in London airport n another 2 hours plus to Glasgow. Ok, I am gonna make a promise to myself that I hope to keep up with for the sake of my sanity and … just for my sanity. I, Chumi/Lucky/Lakshmi am not going to get myself into another long long long bloody long journey in anything less than 8 months!! I don’t even think I can t tolerate it 8 months later… but I don’t think Glasgow will be too happy to keep me for longer than that without a visa. Sigh


Y cant I sleep!? I’ve got nothing else to do!! Y on earth did air asia rip off all the mini screens from every seat and flight!?

N they didn’t even give headphones. Wat were there expecting us to do for 14 bloody hours?! Lay eggs ah?!! I should have brought a book. I do have a book actually… but Medical Genetics laboratory book is not something that I wanna read now. I’d rather stare out the window like some psycho kid rather that read my lab manual now!!


I just saw a lighting!! How can there be lighting above the clouds??! Oh… I think it was just a reflection

My laptop battery is gonna die soon.. I wonder if there’s any port to charge my laptop, or they might even charge me for that!

Oh, I forgot to write this earlier: about 4 hours ago when I switched on my laptop, I switched on my wifi too….i was hoping to get some wifi signlas… but I have no idea where from though n I have no idea wat I was thinking….

okay, are u done laughing… ?


Why did this man have to come n sit next to me.. I cant even move my legs now!! I wanna get out of here! Everyone around me is sleeping peacefully. I’m d only one who’s wide awake .. like an owl!!

Its during times like this when I wish I had taken an aisle seat. But when I do have an aisle seat, I so badly wished I didn’t, cos when the others in ur row of seat wants to get out, u’ll have to get up too. Aisle seat also cannot, window seat also cannot… the only solution is to sit alone. I don’t understand y the flights these days are so full! There’s recession that is hitting ur country people! Stay at home n save money. Don’t go travelling like this as if its nobody’s business!!


Have I mentioned that I wanna get out of here already? Y isn’t UK n Malaysia much nearer. It would have made life much simpler and easier for so many ppl


Oh great… I cant charge my laptop cos there’s no port to charge it. Emirates had so many! Now u see… even though Emirates charges a lot… its all worth it in d end cos they give back to u wat u’ve paid.

Okay, officially, the whole flight except for the pilot and the crew and me are asleep now. Wats wrong with me!!!

( i dont really remember wat happened after that, my battery died n i was too lazy to write on a piece of paper. d only thing that basically happened in the next 7 hours was that i was wide awake for d rest of d journey )


Anonymous said…
you have had a wonderful travelling session.. taking pictures and all.. the fat guy bites the cake :)
Chumi Lakshmi said…
sigh... that man got the cake alrite...
Anonymous said…
lame punani..
michelle said…
hi, chumi. how's the flight Airasia D7 2008? is it comfortable?
Kavinan said…
hey lucky, u reli had a very interesting flight. i juz wanna noe hw long was the journey n was there wifi n do we hv to buy our own food?
Simon.Y said…
Air asia is a low cost airlines and if u want to get a comfortable aircraft why dont you go for emirates or malaysia airline? what you pay is what u get..Dont complain so much..Seriously..That is why air asia called Low cost carriers..

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