so i read d brochures wrongly n went on the wrong day ... at least i decided to go again the next day... it was worth it!! me had fun! :D we had amazing weather on the real day. dunno why there were so many fire engines... precaution i suppose the tall ship! not all that tall.. but a very famous landmark in the West End of Glasgow. if u wanna come to my place, u just have to find ur way to this ship n u'll be 10 minutes away from my place! how cool is that, i've got my own personal landmark now.. ahahahha the face painting artists did a very good job! i would have done if only we werent too late. i wanted to take pics of other who had already done it... but didnt wanna be rude taking pics without their permission and wasnt bothered to ask their permission before clicking away the sign on the door said "no entry, private function" ahahahhaha... since when were poop cabins considered as function locations?! LOL thats a real map, thats seriously ancient. it was HUGE and ...