Will the real River Festival pls stand up!

so i read d brochures wrongly n went on the wrong day... at least i decided to go again the next day... it was worth it!! me had fun! :D

we had amazing weather on the real day. dunno why there were so many fire engines... precaution i suppose

the tall ship! not all that tall.. but a very famous landmark in the West End of Glasgow. if u wanna come to my place, u just have to find ur way to this ship n u'll be 10 minutes away from my place! how cool is that, i've got my own personal landmark now.. ahahahha

the face painting artists did a very good job! i would have done if only we werent too late. i wanted to take pics of other who had already done it... but didnt wanna be rude taking pics without their permission and wasnt bothered to ask their permission before clicking away

the sign on the door said "no entry, private function" ahahahhaha... since when were poop cabins considered as function locations?! LOL

thats a real map, thats seriously ancient. it was HUGE and it was laminated.. otherwise it wouldnt have survived all these years, especially if thousands of ppl pick it up like that every year.

the new additions to the pirates... who didnt know how to be pirates! aahahha.. actually.. too good to be pirates. LOL

that's my mum fighting it out with a little girl to take over the ship. she won hands down... nah... she let the girl win

i somehow like this pic... not only because of the amazingly blue sky, but because its very erm.. different

cute little darlings trying their hand at being ship crews... i love the little girl in the striped skirt... she's got such gorgeous curls!

the ship bell

the foghorn! it sounded so real!! like in Titanic (erm.. i dont actually remember if Titanic had d foghorn... :S.. oh u know wat i mean). 1st my mum tried it and it worked perfectly fine. we were so excited that i was jumping about clapping my hands! then my friend tried it... but it didnt work, so my mum n my friend were fiddling with it n trying to figure out wat went wrong n they broke it! the handle thing fell off!! ahahah

the crew's bunk beds in the lower level of the ship. there were 2 more lower levels below this.. but those were just boring engine rooms and storage rooms that was dark and dusty.

the pirate ship. we missed the pirate attack show cos we were late. must have been really cool

check out that lady's cap! i thought they were selling it there.. but she was d only one who had it

the peacock man!! this is my fav pic of the whole event!

he really looks like a peacock man see! he had all those helium gas balloons attached to his belt strap to prevent it from flyinf off. i wonder how he managed to stay on the ground with all those attached to him!

this was one hell of a ride.. but i didnt manage to get a good pic of it throwing everyone all over the place, cos i was too interested looking at the trampoline bungee jumping next to this. actually, i was trying to cook up a story that i was a kid so that i could go on it. if i cant do the real bunjee jumping, i wanted to at least do this... no, he didnt believe me :(

HUGE jenga!!!! i so wanted to go n play with the boys... i've never seen any jenga this big!! but mum said it was only for kids n i shouldnt spoil their fun =(

the jumping castle with a gaint balloon man skiing.... i've never played in a jumping castle before... but it was only for children again

i dont even remember d last time i went on a merry go round..not fair la.. everything was only for children

bumper cars... it was closed when we reached. but at least i've been on bumper cars before... i think it was last.. or maybe the year before. n i dunno y this pic refuse to stand straight

the navy ship had super hot, drop dead gorgeous men on it!!!!!the 1st day, i saw one guy standing outside n i was like "he's so hot!!" i still didnt overcome from the fact that such hot men exists when another guy walked out n i was like "OMG!" thank God i had my sunglasses on, otherwise they would have noticed me drooling at them! i think they did cos they were looking at me longer than they should normal do. 2 was enough to knock me off my senses so i didnt linger any longer. n i obviously didnt have the guts to take a pic of them!

this is some sort of a control tower. it reminds me of a building in Dubai. the control tower at the top of it is in a shape of a helicopter... it was so cute. i have a proepr pic of it, but i cant find it now

some more cute rides for the kids... look at that cute cars and bikes

oh oh! thats d most innovative thing i've seen in Glasgow so far. thats the Imax theater. and it plays 3D movies!! i've never seen a 3D movie before! i'm dying to go there once i'm done with my dissertation

kids playing near the Imax. it was a very hot day indeed. i kept running to shadier places while the locals were running towards the sun


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