Dare i say i am back...??

for good or not i dont know... but for now i am back... (Hopefully)

i missed writing... A LOT! i might not be a poet, i might not be Arunthathi Roy (her book is still collecting dust in my bookshelf... ), i might not be Robin Cook or Joseph Prince.... but i enjoyed writing.. if u had to go through torture to read it.. ur bad.. ahhahha

so much has been happening.. so little time, and absolutely no time for myself.. that's partly y i sort of stopped thinking about this page. sometimes i even completely forget that i used to have a blog and that i used to write quite regularly and i took a lot of effort taking pics and cooking up stories to write. it's been more than 3 months now since i took a pic!!!!!!!!

so, where do i start now? rambling? complaining? musing? sharing the good and the bad?

i've successfully completed my postgrad, but havent graduated, lost a lot of weight (thats wat other ppl say, but i dont see it at all), have permanent pimple marks on my face (i have no idea wat made that happen while i'm spending so much on Clinique and Body Shop), am successfully still unemployed, one of my best friends got engaged and partly married, another bestie has become a wedding planner, am stuck in a very nice flat but wrong location, have been very busy (reminder: i'm still unemployed but i dont know how i got myself busy) all of a sudden, everyone has iphone i also wan!!!!!!!!, a lot of new ppl to keep track of and keep in touch with, my laptop crashed on me last month and am yet to sort it out and manage my pics and music and folders, and last but not least... am seriously considering getting back to blogging....


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