In a relationship ... with Facebook

So, i have this love hate relationship with FB. And it’s been going on and on for years now, that it’s becoming annoying. 

Why love? 
  1. Cos my friends live in it!! You know, like my friends live in my computer or phone, my friends live in FB too. Every so often i see their updates with pictures and status msg. I can like it or comment on it and it feels good to know that i’m part of their lives and that I’m up to date with what is happening. 
  2. Cos I get to update things about my live and my friends get updated about me this way. (yea rite! as if i take any effort to actually update my Facebook page)

Why hate? 
  1. Cos i’m a stalker in FB. Not only do I see my friend’s updates, I also see friend’s friend’s friend’s friend’s updates. It went to  the point where i wanted to send one such ‘friend’ a friend’s request so that I can stalk him more and look at his pics, and hopefully learn something from his techniques and style. Also cos they have really ‘interesting’ lives. 
  2. Cos I spend hours on it for useless things, like looking at almost every photography pages that I’ve subscribed to, for no particular reason. 
  3. Cos I live in other people’s dreams. You know how it’s become a trend now that everyone travels everywhere just for the sake of posting pics on Instagram and Facebook? If someone is uploading pictures in a social media, someone has to look at it right? I’m the undignified fool, sitting and looking at all those pictures, wishing I was the one traveling. But it’s ok if I’m not there, cos i’ve seen enough through those 1000s of pictures on other people’s Facebook. It’s as if people live to travel these days. What is the world coming to?! 

For the umpteenth time today, I was considering deactivating my Facebook account, rather unsuccessfully I must say. Cos while verbally expressing my feelings about Facebook here, I stumbled upon a friend’s trip to Bangkok, and am simultaneously planning out my (non-existing) future holiday to Bangkok, purely for the sake of Thai massages and shopping! 

Hey, a girl can dream, can’t she?? 

One fine day, I will conquer Facebook, and not vice versa. Until that day comes, I’ll just keep myself busy with planning holidays and photoshoot outings. 


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