I wore the same clothes to work for 5 days in a row. Here’s what happened.

I've been contemplating this for a few days now. I first thought about it a few months ago when I saw a video on YouTube, but wasn't bold enough to do it then. I always brushed it off as unnecessary. But this morning I got the courage out of nowhere.

So, the challenge is mainly to wear the same clothes for a week, for whatever reasons it may be; haven’t done laundry, broke, woke up late, priorities, saving etc.

Here are my two reasons;

1. Personal experiment

I’ve got more than I need, but it’s just never enough. I hope to try and eliminate the desire for more wants. I want to re-teach myself to value money, to be appreciative of what I have.

No matter how much shopping I do, no matter how much I extend my wardrobes, I still find myself saying I don’t have enough clothes. Am I that greedy when it comes to clothes and shopping? A £20 watch would do the same job as a £200 watch, but I want only the £200 watch. Truth be told, I honestly don’t have any needs, it always only wants. Can’t I live a minimalistic life?

I’ve also read that people like Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg wear the same shirt every day because they do not want to waste time/brain energy in making decisions on what to wear. If I wear the same clothes every day, I could probably become Facebook’s or Apple’s next contender. You never know!

2. Social experiment

I’m the only person I know who takes half an hour every month to make a monthly schedule on what to wear for that month. This plan obviously takes into consideration the events and activities I have for each day after work, and whether I will be chauffeured to work or if I have to walk to take public transport. Weather doesn’t matter cos it’s always predictable in the UK, i.e., it is cold and rainy every day. 

I also end up with clothes that I outgrow without even wearing them. I used to think I’m super OCD about it, but it’s got nothing to do with OCD. It’s called smart planning. By spending half an hour a month, I get to wear most of my clothes and not repeat it, I save more time in the mornings, and I feel more confident that I’m well dressed. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

I do this because I’m not very creative under pressure to begin with, and I end up wearing the same set of clothes very often because I’m always in a hurry in the mornings. When I do that, I feel I’m being judged. But am I really being judged? 
Does anyone ever notice or care?

So, the ultimate goal is to hopeful want lesser and understand if I’m the one who’s being so self-conscious and judgmental on myself. 

05/02/2018 – Day 1

As I stood in front of my wardrobe, I stared at all my clothes long and hard, trying to figure out to what wear for the whole week that would be appropriate.
What would I want to wear for 5 days in a row? If I’m going to be wearing the same thing for 5 days, I might as well be comfortable. I was going to wear my thickest and warmest jumper, and then I thought, I wouldn’t mind looking sloppy for a day or 2, but probably not 5 days in a row. After a good 15 minutes, I decided on a smart top, cardigan and jeans. At least I won’t be so cold.

Time spent: 15 minutes
Level of confidence: 100%

I couldn’t have been any more wrong with my option for this week. How have I lived in the UK for so long and still underestimate the weather?! I was freezing most of the time! I should have just worn my jumper.

So, day 1 was easy breezy. I had some free time that evening, so I did what I usually do to relax - online window-shopping. I was looking for some potential clothes and shoes to buy, and checking if there were some excellent deals on the watch I wanted. Only day 1, and I’ve already defeated the goal.

06/02/2018 – Day 2

I hesitated as I stood in front of my wardrobe this morning. Should I continue with this? I reluctantly did. I didn’t want to give up too soon, it’s only day 2 after all.

Time spent: 5 minutes
Level of confidence: 80%

I went to work slightly later than usual today, sat at my desk and continued to chat away to my colleagues and carried on with my work as usual. But, I had this thought at the back of my head if they had noticed. When work got busy, I forgot I was wearing the same clothes, but every time I went to the toilet and looked at myself in the mirror, I was reminded and kept asking myself what I’m trying to prove and why am I doing this to myself. I don’t think I can give up on buying new clothes and live a minimalistic life with limited numbers of clothes.

I don’t think I will continue doing this tomorrow. I want to give up, not because I’m not strong-willed. I just don’t see the point of it. I mean, I saw an Asos haul on YouTube this afternoon and made a mental note to look at it later in the day, cos I’ve never shopped from Asos before. 

07/02/2018 – Day 3

Day 3 and Laxman hasn’t even noticed it yet! Should I still wear the same thing? Am I learning anything yet? No! Am I more appreciative of what I already have? No, cos I’m not seeing it or using it! Do I want to give up already? Sigh, no… same clothes

Time spent: 10 minutes
Level of confidence: 40%

When I reached work, I was expecting for at least 1 or 2 of them to notice. But no one saw, no one even batted an eyelid. Every time I walk down the corridor to get a drink, I had this feeling that people from other teams had noticed and were silently judging me. Well, it’s impolite to call out to someone who’s been wearing same clothes. So I didn’t really expect anyone to do that publicly. But I thought some might come to me personally to talk about it.

It was such a long and draggy day at work, and I was feeling really down and dull. Oh well, that’s the end of the third day. I got Chinese take away for dinner to make myself feel better.

08/02/2018 – Day 4

I just couldn’t bear to wear the same clothes again this morning, and I refused to do it. I took out new clothes from my wardrobe and reasoned within my head that I’m technically not giving up; I just didn’t see the point of it anymore. But I was itching to know if Laxman noticed, so I marched into his office room and asked him if he saw what I was wearing to work this week, and he rather casually said no, just as I suspected. Then he justified it by saying no one actually cares and it’s only me who’s so concerned about it. What would he know; he’s more than happy to wear the same shirt to work 2 or 3 days in a row as long as it doesn’t smell or isn’t dirty. I’ve seen a lot of men like that actually. I wonder if it’s a male thing.

Time spent: 15 minutes
Level of confidence: -10%

I ended up wearing the same clothes again, just to prove that I’m not a quitter, to myself at least. More deodorant and perfume today.

Another day at work is feeling like I’m being judged silently, which undoubtedly explains my negative 10% confidence today. I was extra self-conscious at work today that I limited my conversations with anyone. Didn’t want to put myself out there and increase the chances of being seen. Even my manager said I hadn’t spoken a word to anyone at all today.

09/02/2018 – Day 5

Day 5. Thank god it is finally the last day! I’ve been miserable this week, purely because of what I’ve been wearing.

Time spent: 1 minute
Level of confidence: 0%

To make matters worse for me today, it looked as if most of my teammates were so well dressed and well made up. I took an extra effort to mask my face this morning, so I don’t look as miserable as I feel. Nope, still no joy.

There were short talks at work this morning, that we might be snowed in, and that there were extra mattresses stored in the basement. In true blue Bristolian fashion, it only snowed for 2 minutes and then melted away. Snow or storm, I protested that I definitely do not want to be stranded at work this week.

This week had been more stressful for me than any other week, that I used it as an excuse for take away dinner again and a movie night.


I was wrong, completely wrong. No one noticed until I asked them if they had seen what I wore this week. I cannot believe not even one of them saw! I just can’t. And to think that I was so worried and self-conscious for nothing!

My protest against staying overnight at work during a natural calamity this week lead to them being curious as to why I was against it. When I explained everything, my manager put two and two together and figured this is why I was so quiet on Thursday. He even suggested that I give an interview for the weekly work bulletin. Why not?

I’ve NOT changed my mind about wanting to buy more clothes and shoes. I’ve NOT 
had the urge to donate half my clothes from my wardrobe. I don’t care if I don’t fit into it; I still want my closet to be full! And I’ve still not given up on the £200 watch.

I’ve spent 46 minutes in total this week to figure out what to wear in the mornings, lost so much confidence, and I’m sure some hair too while worry if I’m being judged, wasn’t being myself most of the time, and wasn’t happy most of the time. Forget about saving brain energy and time by wearing the same clothes. I would have done much better with my regular monthly planning!

I’ve decided that the minimalistic life isn’t for me. I’m still going to make a schedule every month, and I’m definitely going shopping next week for more clothes and shoes, and eventually that watch too.

Would you wear the same clothes for a week?


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