Good bye 2018, Hello 2019.

2018 has been a memorable year, several achievements, breakthroughs, etc. like all previous years. Memorable for many reasons; good and bad equally. But being a child of God, I always choose to believe that the good outweighs the bad and trust that God has something good out of everything. All things work for good to those who love God (Romans 8:28), doesn’t it?
I’m usually the kind who trust God blindly, simply because I don’t know what else to do otherwise. I believe God does things in His time, that God is in control of everything, because I have given him that authority in my life. I choose to let God have His way in my life rather than asking Him to provide me with everything I want. 
There were times throughout this year that I felt God spoke to me so often, so easily, but there were times where I hadn’t heard from him at all when I desperately needed to. I could have been too consumed with my own reasoning that I didn’t really listen tok Him, but I blamed God for being silent. 
As I’ve been praying for the last few weeks about 2019, I wanted to hear from God directly on what he has in store for me in 2019. I just didn’t want to listen to random promises and take it for myself. I heard God loud and clear on what he wanted me to do a few days ago, but I didn’t accept it. 2019 is going to be a year for me to re-learn to have faith in God all over again, more precisely, to have steadfast faith in God. 
If you know my personal story, you would know that I’m one of those people who have absolutely no reasons whatsoever to deny God’s faithfulness because of all the miraculous,  extraordinary and supernatural things he has done in my life. And yet, to hear that God wants me to re-learn faith in Him was somewhat an embarrassment for me. I’m not a young Christian who still needs to be fed baby food, I’m longer one who needs to be lead to know God for who He is, I’m not the lost sheep. In fact, I’m on the other end of the rope now. God, you are surely mocking me now, aren’t you? 
I fought with this thought for a good few days, but gave up in the end because I realised that I actually needed it, but I just refused to accept it. One can never claim that they fully understand God, or completely trust Him without a doubt when things don’t go the way they excepted. One cannot comprehend God’s infinite wisdom. One cannot deny the fact that it’s their faith that takes a beating when their foundation is shaken. 
I may sound foolish when I say I trust God is in control when nothing works in my favour. I may look stupid when I say I let God take control of things in my life. It may look like I’m surrounded, but I’m surrounded by God (Surrounded, by Michael W Smith). 

In 2 Thessalonians 3:5, Paul said to the Thessalonians "May the Lord direct your hearts to the love of God  and to the steadfastness of Christ.” It’s not my faith that is unwavering, it’s Christ’s steadfastness that I need to be focused on. 
Let us hold fast the confession of our Hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. - Hebrews 10:23. 
Have faith. 
When everyone was talking about the new year, I felt as if  I wasn’t prepared, but not anymore. Bring it on 2019, I’m ready for you now! Let’s learn steadfast faith. 


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