am still alive

Dooms day wasnt too bad…:p

i got my results 2 days after that actually….eerr….like i said…results wasnt too bad…but nothing to shout about too….so, i dunno wat else to say about my results…

anyway, havent been doing much off late…am happily going out shopping with mum almost everyday…n eating out all the time!! :D

its only been 2 weeks since college started…n i’m stuck with loads of assignments and project works already…not only that…my lecturers have managed to come up with even more work to do during the so called holidays which is next week….

we only have exactly 1 week of break next week…n that too with christmas n new year…how on earth can they expect us to do so much of work during that time!!! n d lecturers say its a 2 week break for us…my ass!!!

well…there’s no point in arguing about it or cribbing about it…cos nothing’s gonna happen…that’s indian education n educators for u!! i better log off and start doing my assignments!!

n i guess t he next time i blog will only be after new year…now that mum’s here….she doesnt like it when i go online too often, or when i stay online too long….

so…advanced BLESSED CHRISTMAS AND A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR to all of u!!! :)


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