dooms day...

ok, i’m officially a gonner tomorrow…

i just heard from a friend that my 3rd sem results are gonna be out tomorrow…..its no problem that i’ll be getting my results tomorrow…sooner or later i will have to check my results anyway …d problem now is that my mum is rite here with me in bangalore….!!

it would have been so much easier if mum was at home n i had to tell her my results over d phone….i wonder how it;s gonna be tomorrow…. :(

i am so freaking here….but i dont seem to be showing it…it happens all the time….especially before the exams!! even if i havent studied a single word for any of my exams…i would look as if i’m so confident of score 100 on 100!! n everyone thinks that i’ll raise all of them!!

i am so dead tomorrow….n yet i dont seem to care!! GOD HELP ME!!!

well, i’m not sure if i’ll be blogging tomorrow…or any time in the near future….till d next time…bye ppl….


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