BGR like buses??

all this while, i've only heard of ppl saying that the ocean is full of fishes... which means there are many more guys or girls who r available... so, dont worry about d one whom u've lost... u'll always get another one sooner or later...

but today, i read in a penang's most famous blogger's site... that Bf/GF relationship is like busses... if u miss one... then catch d next one... hahaha!! that's a good way to think of it n get over a broken relationship..

anyway... today's theme seemed to be about relationships... (unintentionally of course....)

like a good girl..i started studying this morning... (11.30 is still morning k!!) n managed to do a little bit of studying ( obviously with a lot of distractions in between... i've got nil concentration power nowadays... =s )..n while studying... me received a lot of msges/jokes/forwards... about relationships... i dont really remember any of them now....

n then in d evening i went to a friends house...( wanted to take an undeserved break from studying..hehehe.. or rather staying at home..) n even there we ended up talking about relationships ( OTHER ppl's relationships... we weren't gossiping la...just sharing information...heheh)

even during dinner we were talking about relationships ( family )...n about marriage... my friend wanted to get married before her elder sister... n she was so happy when her cousin sis gave her d green light .... n she ate some more to rejoice for that!!!! hahaha!!!


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