Food, cards n no study

Me had cheese cake yesterday!! =D … but d best part was how we decided ( how many hours we took to decide actually…), how we got lost n how we ended up in that place…. Hahha… hilarious… we had been to this place called Cake Walk last year for a friends birthday treat… n d cheese there was kindda decent… compared to other places… yesterday we were watching this health n living channel in which there was some cooking programme going on… n d 3 of us got hungry ( we had just finished our lunch by the way…) n we were trying to figure out where n wat can we eat… we were actually thinking of going somewhere near by so that we don’t waste a lot of time…cos my friend n I had to study… but some how we ended up deciding on going to Cake Walk cos theirs is supposedly good….

We were supposed to leave at 5pm…but we only left at 5.45pm…(oh.. we started planning since 3 in d afternoon by d way…) n then we had to go out of our way n stop in a mobile shop cos my friend’s sim card got blocked and she had to submit some documents for it n register her number… n then we were thinking if she should go to Cake Walk or not, cos it was in d other end of wherever we were… I and my friends’ sis were bent on going to Cake Walk… since it was 2 against one… my friend had no other choice but to go there… on our way there… we kindda got lost… cos it was almost a year since we went there.. n my friend so adamantly didn’t wanna stop and ask for directions… we were d opposite direction from where Cake Walk was…n then had to turn back, n ask directions n finally we reached that place at almost 7pm!

I ordered Blueberry cheese cake cos I didn’t wanna take d risk of trying something new …( err… its usually risky to do so in


… =P ) but my friend n her sis ordered something else… which wasn’t too gud.. hehehe… but not too bad either… hehehe…. We finished it really fast actually.. my friend was trying to take some pics…but none of it turned out good… we had halos in a few pics…n some were plain dumb… d guys working there were staring at us… as if they’ve never seen anybody taking pics..n to save us from d embarrassment… my friend was proudly proclaiming to everyone there in Cake Walk that I was going to go back to


very soon n she wanted to have some pics with me for remembrance… hahaha!! Heights of embarrassment I’d say!!

We finally reached home at 8pm n I rushed to call my mum… D power failure here is unbearable!! Everyday d power goes off… n everyday d power goes off only when I’m going to talk to my mum!!! This is so annoying!! As it is we are staying so far apart… n we only get to talk to each other for about 1 hour a day… n within that one hour, d power will be disconnected, or the broadband line will be bad, or my mum’s tm net line will be bad, or skype will be giving some sort of problem!

Last nite I was so happy that d power wasn’t disconnected… n I was happily talking to mum ( while trying my level best not to get irritated with d skype slow down ) n d power went off!! I only spoke to my mum for 10 minutes n d power went off already!! I thought it was not gonna come back till another hour… but thank God it came back within 5 minutes!! Praise the Lord!! =D

My friends were sitting outside on d balcony waiting for me to finish talking to my mum…. One of them had brought d Uno cards with her… so that we can play.. ( we decided that d day before.. cos everyday at nite d power goes off…n its pitch dark inside d house n not forgetting boiling hot!! So, we always sit on d balcony and talk n talk n talk about God knows wat.. most of d time we end up talking about d same things.. so we thought it would be nice if we could play some games during that time.. its bright enough on d balcony … n we can use a candle too… )

So, yesterday we were playing Uno on d balcony from 9pm till almost 1am!! We had so much of fun!! Hehehe… screaming n shouting… some of us forgot to say “Uno” when we r left with one card n then end up taking another 7 cards as penalty…. N some were trying to cheat ( cos they were way behind in d game n left with loads of cards in their hands…) we were making so much of noise as if it was no body’s business… hahaha… our neighbours must have gotten irriated… Who cares anyways… its not everyday that we make so much of noise… hahahha

My friend had brought some of her notes and books along cos she wanted to “study” while taking a break… I don’t think she even looked into her notes for more than 1 minute… hahaha!! Under normal circumstances… we would have fallen asleep at 10pm on d dot if we were to study… but yesterday we were wide awake till 1am!! Hahaha… n we actually looked like we were gambling…(like in d tamil movies ) we were all sitting in a circle on d ground n playing cards, while listening to some songs… d only thing that was missing was some bottles of alcohol n money… hahaa… we actually had a bottle of water.. so, that made up for d absence of water… hahha… n my friend even tried taking pics of that also… but none of it was clear…

We are less than a week away from our semester finals n we were least bothered about it!!


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