
Showing posts from October, 2007

have u seen anyone so careless n stupid??!

i mean.. seriously.. when was d last time u've seen anyone so careless n stupid for some reason or d other?? have u seen or heard of anyone who books a flight tickets without checking d calendar??! well... u'r looking at one now! eerr... u'r reading her blog now actually.... i booked my flight ticket without looking at d calender, confirmed it with my mum, got d ticket issued n paid for it some 3 days back, n got hold of d ticket n happily blogged about it n announced to d whole wide world that i'll be going back home on d 24th of Nov, n realized only yesterday that my return flight is on a friday!!! wat would i do back in bangalore on a friday nite...when i can spend another extra day or two at home n fly back on a sunday?!? n that too when there r flights flying back to bangalore from Pg on saturdays n sundays!!! how much more careless can i get!!! tomorrow i have to call up d travel agent n ask them if they can make d changes.... i hope there r seats available ...

i got my tickets already!!!!!!! :D

yup!!! I'VE GOT MY TICKETS ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D my friend's aunt brought it back home for me in d evening today... i've been waiting for this since monday!! hahaha... but since aunty was sick.. she didnt go to work till today... but anyway.. i got hold of d tickets already!!!!!!!! i cant wait to go back home!!!! hahahahha

24th Nov... where art thou??

actually... 23rd of nov... where art thou!!??! but before that i have my exams to think about! :( there's so much to study!!!!! how can they possibly make us study a whole year's syllabus within a so called 6-month-semester. its only 6 months for name's sake...but in reallity we only have 3 months of classes, 2 weeks or less for study break n then 1 whole month of exams!! i dont remember if i've mentioned this before.. ( i've been cribbing about this every single day when i see my BCom n BA friends ).. d BCom n BA students get to go back home for their semester break from d 6th of nov.. while we have to stay beack till d 22nd of nov!! y?? because we have pracs n they dont!!!!!! there's so much to study!!! =( =( =(. by d end of everyday i just get so saturated n brain dead!! even in my sleep i dream about stupid chemistry n biotech...!!at least i havent started seeing animals n skeletons in my dreams..! cos i havent started studying zoology.... sigh! i...


my final exams is starting in exactly 10 days time... n i still have d time n guts to feel bored!! my friend n i started studying on saturday... n today's only monday.. i'm already gettign bugged of staying at home, making time table, trying to follow it n study.... :( but i have to go on doing this same routine for more than a month! my exams r from d 27th of oct till d 22nd of nov. its so not fair! d B.Com n BA students get to go back home for their semester break on d 7th of nov while we d B.Sc students have to wait till 22nd of Nov cos of our stupid pracs!!! its always us d science students who have to sacrifice everything! be it movies, fun, fest, or even holidays! y?? because we r science students n we have to sacrifice everything n devote our lives to our Labs!! my foot!! i cant wait to get over with this BSc n go back home for good! n in d mean time ( which is another 6 months before i can sya good bye to BSc... ) i have to go n study chemistry now!! :( :( :( I H...

stupid government servants!!!

today was such a hectic tiring day, n most of all IRRITATING day!!!!!!! i went to college for absolutely no reason at all.. actually, i had a lot of work to do.. but nothing got done cos of lazy ppl!!! d teachers themselves delay everything till d last minute n they yell at us for not keeping our work up to date!my zoology records were due on monday. i spent d whole day ( from 9am till 3.30pm ) writing non stop to complete everything, n submitted both d records... n till today, none of it is even corrected! ( leave alone attestation!), n d teachers r d ones who tell us not to leave everything till d last minute!! n then i had to go to d FRO ( Foreigner's Registration Office ) to get my RP ( Residential Permit ). i did it myself last year.. n i should have done it myself this year too!!i couldnt go on my own cos i didnt have d time.. by d time my classes get over.. d FRO would be closed already.. so i gave to my good-for-nothing education consultant! he's only my education ...

i'm sick :(

less than 3 weeks away from my semester exams.. n i choose to fall sick! talk about perfect timing! obviously i didnt choose to fall sick... but yet.. i'm sick now... thanks to d stupid weather fluctuations in Bangalore n d pollutions around! n i've been sleeping like a sleeping beauty since friday i think! friday i slept for God only knows how many hours.. cos i was sleep deprived for 3 or 4 days while d Vision Net team was here... n then on saturday.. i slept through dinner cos of d cough mixture which i had to take ( i got cough cos of all d ice cream n cold drinks n milk shakes which i had while i had been eating out with d Vision net team.. i didnt think about falling sick even for one second while having all those.. but am suffering from d consequences now! ), on sunday and monday i slept as if my examas were already over... yesterday i slept too long in d afternoon n today.. i slept cos of d flu tablets which i had to take... i wonder y i sleep so much before exams....

exams in less than 3 weeks already...

it's 12am here in india.... i'm supposed to be studying... but here i am blogging! d exact opposite of studying...! *sigh* i just cant seem to be able to concentrate on my studies... thinking too much about d past, present n future... past is happy memory, present is depressing, n future is all imaginations n hope... which is obviously happy too... so... i'm kindda lingering in d past n future, instead of concentration in my present life n try n study Last week was so much of fun! my friend's from Malaysia in d the Vision Net team had come to Bangalore for a few days.. n i was with them all d days. since it was all men this time, i didnt stay over with them... i leave my house early in d morning n go over to their place.. n get back home late at nite about after 12 almost everday.. i even bunked college.. :P we went shopping, window shopping, cuci mata-ing ( only they did that... i couldnt even look at anyone with 5 men walking around me like my bodyguards!!!hahah...


well.. yup.. i'm back again... back under popular demand!! ahahahha! i kindda stopped bloggin while i was at home during d break... i guess i might stop again when i go back home this sem break... but i'll just blog till then... ok ok.. here goes to everyone who asked y i stopped blogging.....i didnt stop cos i didnt feel like it anymore.. i just stopped cos i didnt go online as often (while i was at home in Malaysia) as i used to while i'm here in India.. n my mum hates it when i'm sitting online for too long.. so, naturally i spent lesser time online... n i was going out everyday, doing chores, occupied with many others things n commitments.. so blogging had to take a back seat at that time... i considered blogging again when i got back to india... but i didnt wanna make it a habit.. so i thought i might just stop... but so many ppl have been asking me y i stopped.... n more were asking to update my blog in, i've decided to continue!! :D but...