well.. yup.. i'm back again... back under popular demand!! ahahahha!

i kindda stopped bloggin while i was at home during d break... i guess i might stop again when i go back home this sem break... but i'll just blog till then...

ok ok.. here goes to everyone who asked y i stopped blogging.....i didnt stop cos i didnt feel like it anymore.. i just stopped cos i didnt go online as often (while i was at home in Malaysia) as i used to while i'm here in India.. n my mum hates it when i'm sitting online for too long.. so, naturally i spent lesser time online... n i was going out everyday, doing chores, occupied with many others things n commitments.. so blogging had to take a back seat at that time... i considered blogging again when i got back to india... but i didnt wanna make it a habit.. so i thought i might just stop...

but so many ppl have been asking me y i stopped.... n more were asking to update my blog in, i've decided to continue!! :D but i guess i'll just continue blogging here in friendster rather than in blogspot... am gonna delete that account.. cos a lot of them find it more convenient here...

oh n by the way.. i chose this auspicious day n time ( 6th of Oct, 2am Indian time, n 4.30am Malysian time ) to re-launch my blog...partly cos i cant go back to sleep ( not after d stupid unnecessary nap i had from 10pm to 12am ) n cos i'm cursing myself for falling asleep instead of talking to my mum!! i havent spoken to her for 3 days in a row!! :(

how much more ungrateful/irresponsible/selffish can a daughter get?!


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