have u seen anyone so careless n stupid??!

i mean.. seriously.. when was d last time u've seen anyone so careless n stupid for some reason or d other?? have u seen or heard of anyone who books a flight tickets without checking d calendar??! well... u'r looking at one now! eerr... u'r reading her blog now actually....

i booked my flight ticket without looking at d calender, confirmed it with my mum, got d ticket issued n paid for it some 3 days back, n got hold of d ticket n happily blogged about it n announced to d whole wide world that i'll be going back home on d 24th of Nov, n realized only yesterday that my return flight is on a friday!!!

wat would i do back in bangalore on a friday nite...when i can spend another extra day or two at home n fly back on a sunday?!? n that too when there r flights flying back to bangalore from Pg on saturdays n sundays!!! how much more careless can i get!!!

tomorrow i have to call up d travel agent n ask them if they can make d changes.... i hope there r seats available on sunday n i hope they dont charge me extra for that!!! i have to call them up in d morning n wait till they settle n confirm everything... n i'm not even sure if there'll be any more availlability!! i guess it'll be evening before i know anything for sure..

AARRGGHHH!!! all this because of my stupid carelessness!!! how can i book my flight n confirm d dates so over confidently without even looking at d calender?!! i mean, how long would it have taken me to look at d dates in a calender?!?!


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