
Showing posts from January, 2008

Saree Day

Today was saree day in college. in India, d day before Indian Republic day is celebrated as saree day in most of d colleges. it happens in my college every year too.... but i've never tied a saree to college before but since this is our final year, some of us decided to tie sarees, just for d fun of it, and for remembrance. most of my classmates tied saree. some of those who didnt tie a saree at least had d decency to wear a salwar/kurtha/chudithar/punjabi suit. but some souls decided to wear jeans and t-shirts even today!! n they got it good from d lecturers too! heehheh. i mean come one guys... its d last year of college! anyway, i woke up extra early this morning cos i was excited about tying saree! initially i wasnt too keen but i'm glad i did it in d end. n i ended up going late to college... but d 1st hour of class was canceled anyway... hehehhe. when my friend n i entered college, we were welcomed by d sight of beautiful, bright, vibrant, striking colours and so muc...

on ETs n Peanuts

Yesterday, my friend n i went to a shopping complex to get some photo editing work done ( she wanted to make a keychain, or a calender with her pics for her friend's bday). but the d photo studio there didnt have d equipments to it though. so we had to go to another place. on our way out, we saw this toy machine. i dont know wat its called here in india. but in malaysia we call it main tikam. i still dont understand y its called like that cos there's nothing to tikam also! it's d machine where u have to put either 20 cents or 50 cents or RM1, and then twist the knob, n u get a tiny, cute little toy inside a plastic egg. there's this bouncing balls, toys, guns, n keychains, n all d tiny tiny stuff in it. i remember my friends n i used to play those things so often. i had a whole lot of collection of those... but i dont know where they are now =[. it used to be so much fun. they were so cute. we'd all go to d shop together with lots of change n go on n on putting...

Short hair or long hair?

Yesterday i was watching a program on tv called "mum & I". Vijay tv comes up with these sort of things all the time... those who have astro will know wat i'm talking about. anyway, this program is basically about mothers and daughter, how they get along well, how alike both of them look, their creativity, talents n things of those sort. Last week was the introductory round and d judges were finalizing the contestants and brought the number down to 10 mothers and daughters pairs i think. And yesterday's round was traditional round ( i think... i switched to Vijay tv after d introduction was done.. so, i'm giving it my own name... :P, it suits it though ). the mothers had to dress their daughters up in full fledged traditional costumes, tie their hair in a traditional but unique way, n perform a dance, or sing a song. they gave so much of importance for long hair. one of the judges commented that girls nowadays like to cut their hair short and do all sorts o...

Dinner with my Foster family

This is a very very long over due-d blog actually.....i was sorting out n arrangin some pics when i came across some pics which was taken about 2 months back.. n i had intended to blog about it then.. but forgot cos i was busy with exams n last minute packing In November 2007, it was my friend's(Charu) mum's birthday n Uncle(Charu's dad) happened to be here in Bangalore too( he works in Velangani, TamilNadu, for NGO in d place which was effected by Tsunami ). Shalini( Charu's sis) wanted to treat everyone for aunty's birthday n were supposed to go to Miller's 46 for steak... but in d last minute change of plan n we went to a place called Mangalore Pearl, which serves good sea food. Charu n i had gone there before n we ordered a prawn dish which was called Roasted Prawns ( i think). this time when we reached (after a lot of commotion, all of us were supposed to go in some 5 bikes i think.. since Charu n i were d last ones to leave,.. we didnt realize that h...

Cul-ah! '08

Cul-ah! is a cultural event that happens in my college every year... n its sort of "the happening thing" every year. colleges from other states are invited as well n there's ice breaker, western dance, indian dance, western acoustic, western electric, fashion show, personality, dumb charades, n many more events. Cul-ah! '08 was on d 10th, 11th n 12th of jan, n this year's theme was Mardi Gras. So, d college was very carnival like.. a lot of decorations, lights, colours, masks, windmills, n that sort. there was also this huge lion at d entrance of d college gate. i must say, d arts n deco team did a very good job! i took some pics on d 1st day... n i got sick of carrying my phone in my hand n taking pics of every single thing.. so i put my phone away n enjoyed d dances n fashion show. my friends were also taking pics n video recordings, so i thought i might as well take it from them.. also i had to hold a tissue on my nose constantly!! at one point i felt like ...

on lost n not found but replaced keychain

my last entry was like more than a month ago... ok ok.. we all know y d delay.. cos i was too lazy to update or blog, n as usual i was procastinating... :P there r so many bloggers who r so serious about their blog, n who r hoping n aiming for hundreds n thousands of readers.. n here i am being lazy to update one blog.. which i dont even know how many ppl reads... *sigh*.. anyways... i wonder how many of u read my blog about d teacher who stole my keychain from rite under my nose while my exams was going on.. n i was sitting there like a dungu who didnt do anything!! well, i told my friend varsha about it a few days ago... n while she was walking down a street yesterday, she saw a keychain similar to that of mine n got it for me!!! so sweet of her!!! this is my ex keychain n this is my new key chain thats a so called close up view of my new key chain n this is varsha mary matthew who gave me d keychain!!! :D

Saturday was fun

i'm seriously lagging behind in bloggin man!! there was so much i wanted to blog about saturday...but now i've forgotten most of it i think!! 1st of all...saturday started out kindda boring n late for me...i wanted to be in college at 8am but i only woke up at 8.30am!! but i wasnt bothered was just credit course the teachers were not very particular about punctuality...reached college at about 9.15am n was told that my teacher will only come at 10 am!! thank God i didnt bother coming early to college!! anyway, we were fooling around in the lab as usual....text msging when the teachers were not in the lab...( mobile phones are not allowed in our college campus u see, so we had to curi curi use when the teachers r not around) n finally finished d work about 12.40pm..... i was supposed to attend another class from 1pm to 3.30pm...but i bunked it anyways...i was so not interested in attending that zoology class...especially when Vidhya was in bang...