Saree Day
Today was saree day in college. in India, d day before Indian Republic day is celebrated as saree day in most of d colleges. it happens in my college every year too.... but i've never tied a saree to college before but since this is our final year, some of us decided to tie sarees, just for d fun of it, and for remembrance. most of my classmates tied saree. some of those who didnt tie a saree at least had d decency to wear a salwar/kurtha/chudithar/punjabi suit. but some souls decided to wear jeans and t-shirts even today!! n they got it good from d lecturers too! heehheh. i mean come one guys... its d last year of college! anyway, i woke up extra early this morning cos i was excited about tying saree! initially i wasnt too keen but i'm glad i did it in d end. n i ended up going late to college... but d 1st hour of class was canceled anyway... hehehhe. when my friend n i entered college, we were welcomed by d sight of beautiful, bright, vibrant, striking colours and so muc...