Dinner with my Foster family

This is a very very long over due-d blog actually.....i was sorting out n arrangin some pics when i came across some pics which was taken about 2 months back.. n i had intended to blog about it then.. but forgot cos i was busy with exams n last minute packing

In November 2007, it was my friend's(Charu) mum's birthday n Uncle(Charu's dad) happened to be here in Bangalore too( he works in Velangani, TamilNadu, for NGO in d place which was effected by Tsunami ).

Shalini( Charu's sis) wanted to treat everyone for aunty's birthday n were supposed to go to Miller's 46 for steak... but in d last minute change of plan n we went to a place called Mangalore Pearl, which serves good sea food.

Charu n i had gone there before n we ordered a prawn dish which was called Roasted Prawns ( i think). this time when we reached (after a lot of commotion, all of us were supposed to go in some 5 bikes i think.. since Charu n i were d last ones to leave,.. we didnt realize that her bike key was with her dad n he had already left! err... i dont remember wat we did ... but we were d last ones to reach.. ) n as soon as we reached... we ordered d Roasted Prawns before we even spoke to anyone else at d table! hahaha

anyway, d food on d table was too tempting... so we didnt bother to take pics of it... we had prawns, fish, crab, chicken.. err.. i dont remember wat else....

so, d actually photo session started after we finished everything that was on d plate n we were too full to walk around...
Image135 this was taken at home... before we left for dinner

P1010110 me with my foster family (L-R) Aunty(bday baby, uncle, aunty's sis, me, monish, charu, n manoj. shalini was taking d pic.

P1010111 aunty's sis, Jeth, me, monish, charu n manoj... eerr.. i think uncle said something funny.... i really dont remember wat d joke was about la...

i've lived in with them in their house for more than a year now... n it's as if they're my foster family in India... =)


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