Short hair or long hair?
Yesterday i was watching a program on tv called "mum & I". Vijay tv comes up with these sort of things all the time... those who have astro will know wat i'm talking about. anyway, this program is basically about mothers and daughter, how they get along well, how alike both of them look, their creativity, talents n things of those sort.
Last week was the introductory round and d judges were finalizing the contestants and brought the number down to 10 mothers and daughters pairs i think. And yesterday's round was traditional round ( i think... i switched to Vijay tv after d introduction was done.. so, i'm giving it my own name... :P, it suits it though ). the mothers had to dress their daughters up in full fledged traditional costumes, tie their hair in a traditional but unique way, n perform a dance, or sing a song.
they gave so much of importance for long hair. one of the judges commented that girls nowadays like to cut their hair short and do all sorts of hairstyles, its very rare to see girls with long hair, bo one is as traditional as last time.. bla ... bla...bla....another judge literally complained and penalized a girl cos she had short hair n her mum had to use a wig for her.
thats wat got me thinking.wtas all this hype about long hair?? what's wrong with having short hair?! if u like it that way, and if it suits you.. then y not??!! of course, its nice to have long hair too... but u need a change once in a while. it doesnt mean that once u cut ur hair short, u'r gonna die with ur short hair cos it wont grow anymore rite!?
while i was back at home in malaysia, when i go out with my mum or friends, ppl turn n give me a second look...d kind of look which says that they admire/look up to u cos u dare to be different n bold enough to take such a drastic move(for an indian). Here in india, i do get second looks ( many many times actually) but its not quite d same like it was in malaysia. ppl have d scrutinizing look which says "y d hell did u cut ur hair short??! u'r a girl, an indian girl! u'r SUPPOSED to have long hair, and u r NOT ALLOWED to have short hair!!!" u know wat i feel like tell them? " wats ur freakin problem?! it's my hair n my wish! if my mum agrees and allows, y on earth do i have to ask UR permission!!! be happy as long as i dont shave UR head bald!"
i feel like picking a fight with anyone on d streets who gives me d "y did u cut ur hair" look! but i havent found any victim yet... probably cos no one dares to say it to me directly! *grin*
for the time being, i'm thoroughly enjoying my short hair. if i wake up late in d morning, i dont even have to comb my hair. i save a lot of time on that u know! hehehhe. once in a while i do miss having long hair... but its been more than 10 years since i last had short hair... so short hair rules now!!! ;)