Tuesday's outing

i told my mum i wont go out anymore from monday. n like a good girl i stayed at home on monday ( partly cos i was in a bad mood ), n on Tuesday i went out d whole day!!

there was some science feast which was happening in college that day, which i wasnt aware of till i reached college. we didnt have any classes at all, not even labs! ( if only i had known earlier...i wouldnt have done my inorganic chemistry record d nite before, i wouldnt have had to carry my records n lab coat to college, n i wouldnt have had to carry any books at all, n torture my poor shoulders!! ). so, all we had to do was give our attendance n then do watever we wanted to!

3 of my classmates had applied for MBA in my college,n they had their interview on Monday n on tuesday the names of students who made it were put up. so, some of my classmates n i accompanied these girls to check d list. n guess wat, all 3 of them got in!!! they were so nervous n upset before checking the list, but once they got to know that they were chosen, they were so over joyed! who wouldnt be... now they dont have to worry about anything else for another 2 years.

since, we had d whole day off, we decided to go out for makan n then go to a friends house. but it took us 1 whole hour to get all d 14 of us together n get out of college! in d end 3 couldnt make it anyway. we had brunch in McD, n we were making so much of noise n clicking pics.. n there was this one old American man sitting in d next table, he came n took a pic of our group!! we didnt know wat to do, we happily smiled for his pic :P

n then we took a walk around d mall to make room in our stomach for lunch later. we ended up in a mall, n i ended up trying out a dress! it was something like a Kimono but simpler. they only had XS n S sizes. my friends insisted that i try d XS, but i knew i wouldnt even fit into d S size.. but i did... quite easily actually :P it was nice... i liked it! n i took pics with my friend in d fitting room... hehehe

on our way back, we all wanted to sit next to Mr McDonald n take pics. McD was sitting on a bench outside d mall where there were a lot of other ppl as well, but we couldnt be bothered less! we happily sat there n some of us were ready, some of us werent.. so we were taking our own sweet time, n guess wat happened!! some cheap idiot who was sitting opposite us across d pathway was taking our pic using his mobile phone!!! a few of us saw it, n one friend of mine, like a fool, asked him if he was taking our pic, n that idiot said yes! as if we were taking to him like he was our friend!! i wanted to walk up to him, take his mobile phone n delete d pic.. but everyone was clearing away n they said not to pick a fight, so we just left.

wat cheek that fellow had!! we was taking our pics so openly n he even answered us back as if we were being nice to him!!


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