Wonder La

i didnt make up that title. it's d name of the Theme Park which i went to yesterday with my classmates n college mates. i have no clue y an Indian would want to name his theme park as "Wonder La" when he doesnt know wat 'la' is used for! hahaha. btw, before u start reading this entry.. pls let me fore warn u that its gonna be long... but make sure u read till d end k

Anyway, i had solid fun yesterday!! 2 weeks ago when d Wonder La plan was coming up, i was reluctant to even give my name in, but my friends wrote my name. n then a few days ago, i wasnt sure if i wanted to go cos i thought i might be going to my grandparents house in Tamilnadu ( but that didnt happen ), so, i ended up going for this picnic, but i told everyone very strictly that i wont be joining them for d water sports cos i was really sick last week, n havent recovered fully. but i did take spare clothes with me cos some of my friends are capable of throwing me into d water no matter how much i protest. but u know wat happened?? i went into d pool on my own, without anyone forcing me, n d girls had to force me out of d water in d end!! hahahha

about 60 of us left from college in a bus, accompanied by 3 teachers(they're our zoology n chemistry teachers who r usually very very strict n sarcastic in class, who dont even smile at us in class, but yesterday we were happily yakking away to glory n so were d teachers!).we reached d place at about 11am, n waited for a while to settle d payment thing. when i stepped in.... i was taken by surprise! frankly speaking, i didnt expect the place to be so nice, clean, high tech, and world class! some of my friends were telling me a lot of things about this place, n that it was world class, they have imported equipments, d water is really clean, bla bla bla... but i didnt know how far it would be true. but i did believe everything as soon as i saw it myself. it's just like Black Thunder in Coimbatore, Bkt Merah, or Sunway Lagoon.

they had dry games n water games. we started off with d dry games first. oh was i in for another shock!! d first thing we tried was called d Maverick. it carries about 20 ppl in 2 rows ( front n back ) n rotates round n round n round in every angle n directions n holds u completely upside down for at least 5 seconds! n when it rotates at a 45 degree angle, ur whole body weight is on d electronic strap! it that gives way, then u'r a goner! i was screaming n screaming my lungs out!! this is fun for some of my friends! i was just praising d Lord when i walked out of d Maverick in one piece!

n my friends dragged me to d next thing which was called "y scream". i was suspicious of y it was called like that. while we were waiting in d line, i saw n realised y it was called "y scream". i just freaked n ran out from d line, far away from my friends so that they cant catch hold of me n force me to sit on that monstrous, terrifying ride!! it was really freaking!! it looks so innocent n timid when its resting, but once its switched on... there u go! all it does is go round like d ferris wheels, but d only difference is that this one has loosely attached seats which turns at its own pace n direction, n it carries u upside down, n when its rotating downwards, its as if it's gonna smash u head down first on d ground!!

after that we went on d pirates ship. that was pretty tame... but made me sick in d tummy towards d end! my friends n i had enough of tossing, n turning, n rotating for d time being. all of us we pretty sick after 3 rides.. so we decided to give it a break n went for d slower, n more relaxing rides like d merry go round n frog's jump.

d merry go round was on an elephant. one of my friends wanted to go on it, so we all accompanied her. since it was only 1 person per elephant(cos it was a kiddies ride! hahah), all of us couldnt make it. so, a few of us stood back n was cheering d others. d girl who was jumping to go on that ride, was enjoying herself. happily laughing, n waving to us n d others who were around her... but all of a sudden d elephant was lefted up, n this girl freaked!! she was shouting n screaming asking d guy to stop saying no, no, no n shaking her head. i think she was close to tears. so were we (d ones who were watching them) cos we were laughing so much! hahha... that was really cute! it wasnt scary at all.. but she just didnt expect it to do that. d jumping frog was really lame! another kiddies ride... but we went for d fun of it.. since no one was there.. we all went ahead.. n all d frog did was go round n round.. no lifting up, no jumping, nothing! we were all holding on to d metal bars in front of us, cos we thought it might just jump n throw us off our seats. but no... d frog was very well behaved! hahhaha... just to make d ride more interesting, we were all trying to croak like a frog...but it didnt happen.. cos all we did was say "croak croak croak". we didnt know how d frog sounded like exactly :P so we just did it in our own style.. each one in each tone n note. hahhahha, even d guys in charge of that thing was laughing at us!

after that we went to d Cine Magic. that was really cool!! i enjoyed it! it was something like d 3D theaters. but this one didnt have d 3D glasses. the theater could hold about 50 ppl i think. its d kind of theater which has d seats which shakes n vibrates according to wats shown on d screen. d one which i went to yesterday was a roller coaster kinds. if only it were to be a really roller coaster, no one would ever survive it!! it was a mine ride. n d mine was horrible!! there were other roller coasters coming from different directions, d railroad broke, under water rides, going up d lift, going down d lift, accidents, clashes, crashes, all sorts of things.. n i felt as if it was so real, cos d seats. it was so nice!!! we were all screaming n laughing n jumping up n down as if we were really going on that rolelr coaster! i enjoyed that thoroughly, n i wanted to go for it again.. but then it wouldnt have been nice d second time round cos i would know wats going to happen.

then we went on d ferris wheel. this one was very different from any other ferris wheel. cos its rite on top of a high raised tower. i think d tower was about 20 floors high. initially i was excited to go it... but as soon as i reached d top n saw d view.. i started freaking.. n i didnt even want to get onto d carriage. but i eventually did. n i was holding on to 2 friends on either side of me... cos i was so scared! :P d purpose of d ferris wheel is just for site seeing. from d top u can see half of bangalore n d whole of d Wonder La area. d view was really breathe taking.. but scary at d same time... cos it was moving so slowly n made u fell as if u were dangling at d edge of a string.

we even went on bumper cars n a kiddies roller coaster ride in a termite colony. d bumper car was fun!!! :D i've always wanted to go on a bumper car... n i finally did yesterday. we were driving arounf like maniacs bumping into each other for no reason.. a few or us in 3 cars cornering another car.. crashing into each other front, back, sides, n screaming... hahhaha... i dont know since when i started enjoying screaming... but i really did enjoying screaming yesterday!!!

we had enough after that n we were all hungry n tired.. so we had lunch in one of d canteens ( there were 3 canteens in Wonder La ). after that we went to d lockers to change n get ready for d water rides. that was so much of fun!! :D

some of my friends immediately ran to a few of d slides... i had already made up my mind that i wanted to go on one slide.. thats d one which has a float in which 3 or 4 ppl can sit, n d float goes round n round in d slides n reached to a shallow pool. every corner n turning, d three of us were screaming as if it was nobody's business! haahha... it wasnt scary.. it was nice.. but d turning part was kindda freaky.. makes u feel as if d float is gonna over turn.

my friends went on all d slides that was there... but i dared not go... as much as i like water, i'm afraid of it n i dared not go on d verticle slide, n d racing slides. after my friends go on my slide.. n if it looks really fun n safe.. another friend n i will go for that one... n then we'll stand n stare at d others while they come down another slide.. hehehe.... d only troublesome thing was that we had to climb some 2 or 3 flights of stairs each time to go on a slide.

there was this rain disco, wave pool, n lazy river. rain disco was nice.. they had d techo light n disco lightings, with songs n indoor rain...it felt as if we were playing in d rain n dacing to songs. when we went in to d rain disco, d last song was playing... so we quickly ran n joined in with d crowd. d song was kindda sad.. some hindi song... but we still danced along for that song. it was nice.. just for d sake or experience... we didnt feel like going in again for d 2nd time. after that was d wave pool. its exactly like d one in Bkt Merah, but smaller in size... so it wasnt big enough for d whole crowd. when d waves started.. d crowd was jumping about, n pushing around. some of d guys were taking advantage of d situation n they were disturbing d girls... we enjoyed ourselves though... n some of them were learning to swim yesterday... that was a lot of fun. d last one was d lazy river. initially some girls didnt want to go to d lazy river cos it was a waste of time, but in d end ended up going 2 rounds in it! hahha... all u had to do in a lazy river is sit on a float, n let d water current move u around d lazy river. since there were about 15 of us, we were all chasing each other, pushing around, splashing water, disturbing n fooling each other all d way round d river... n we went for a 2nd round, n didnt have d heart to come out of d river after that...

n there was this Wonder La special ride. it think it was called Wonder splash. its a small roller coaster ride which goes uphill n then down hill n falls into a pool of water. it was so cool! d 1st time we went on it, we didnt know wat to expect, so when we were going downhill, all of us we were screaming cos it actually feels as if d tracks gave way, n u'r all falling down. n when d train goes through d pool of water, u can actually see d water enveloping around u,n then falling on u... that was really fun.. we went on it twice.. expecially for d pic ( there;s an automated camera which takes ur pics when u'r going down stream). i looked horrible in that pic!!! but i still bought it cos i wanted something for remembrance.

it was already time to leave, so all of us hurried n changed our clothes n ran out to d bus. on our way to Wonder La in d morning, we were all jumping about, dancing, singing, playing, taking pics n videos, waving out to every car, n bus n especially school buses n vans with students who were going to school... hehehe... but on d way back in d evening.. everyone was so tired that some ppl slept in d bus, while d others were quietly sitting n having short conversations.

we took loads of pics n videos in d bus. while we were going for d rides.. i didnt bother to take my phone along.. i locked it up in d locker.. so, no pics of d rides.. but my friend to loads of pics. so i'm waiting to get d pics from her.. n then i'll upload it in my facebook account.

in d mean time, u can check out Wonder La's website at http://www.wonderla.com/ hats off to this ppl... they really did a good job. the maintenance was good, d facilities were good, good discounts, even d website is well maintained n updated. really world class! i'd give them 5 stars, cos they really deserve it.

after all d fun we had yesterday, i had to suffer d consequences today!! this morning when my phone alarm rang, i couldnt even turn over n grab my phone to stop d alarm. i had cramps all over my body n every joint was hurting big time!!! super hero me was happily swimming yesterday ( after 5 or 6 years ), n today couldnt even lift my hand without cribbing, to comb my hair!!

well, u have to pay a price to have fun they say... today all my friends were walking about like zombies cos everyone was tired n hurt all over!! hahahha... but we want to got there again....


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