I;m so happy!!! PRAISE THE LORD!!! =D

"i'm happy beyond words!!!!!!!!! PRAISE THE LORD!!! =D" i've put up this shout out in all my sites, in friendster, facebook, orkut, msn, google talk, skype, and yahoo msger...is there anything left... u name it n its there!! hahhhaha. i could even publish it in d national papers! that's how happy i am n that's how much i wanna testify wat God has done for me!!

just this morning i was so worried about so many things!! about how i've drifted away from my ultimate source of love, how i've been wasting time this whole semester fooling around n going out, how i've taken so many things for granted, how i build high expectations and imaginations but do nothing to get it, how i'm ever going to scrap through this semester by d way i'm taking my studies.

i sat down this morning n made a simple prayer(for a few things), a very very simple prayer. even a primary school kid would have been able to do better than wat i did today. n then i completely forgot about it. i've been sitting online sorting out my bookmarks, reading ppl's blog, updating my photo album, and doing everything that has nothing to do with studies ever since.

u can imagine how lazy i was to go n study if i was sitting in front of my comp even after d power went off for more than half an hour.. i spent d whole morning in front of my comp!!! but as soon as d power came back, i checked my mail n found d source of my happyness!!!!!!!!!

How great is our God!!!!!! all He wanted me to do was to leave my burdens at His feet n then He took care of it immediately =D =D =D

when i saw d mail, i didnt know whether to smile or to cry... i did both anyways.. i was just too happy!!!!!!!!!!! haahhahh...no.. i'm not gonna tell wat it is... i dont wanna tell yet... just give me a few more days or weeks... n then d whole world will know...

in d meantime, i'm gonna log off n go n study. thats d least i can do at d moment after all that God has done for me.

THANK YOU LORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =D =D =D =D =D =D ( I just had to do it!!!!!!!!!! =D )


Mounika said…
Lord!!! You really blog! Prolific! It is going to take me a long, long time to read all that you've shared on this page here.

Pray, do continue!!
Chumi Lakshmi said…
hhaha... actually i've been blogging in another site 2 years now i think...
i decided to get all my posts under one roof... so, d migration is stil under process. these r just d one which i've posted this year

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