time is flying by

it;s been 10 days since i last blogged...not that i dont have anything to blog about... but i didnt have d time to blog about certain things.. n then i just forgot...n now i'm thinking of quitting this blogging thing.. *sigh*.. i wonder if it would make any difference...

anyway, my final exams have started ( d day before yesterday )... but i havent started studying... :S i'm as good as a dead meat! last week i almost couldnt get my hall ticket cos i had shortage of attendance in 5 out of 6 subjects ( here in india, without hall tickets, u cannot sit for d exams ), n believe me i freaked out big time n i was saying all sorts of prayers..that i'll study properly, wont waste time, wont take things for granted, wont do this, wont do that.. bla ... bla.. bla... n d minute i got hold of my hall ticket.. i forgot about everything!how ungrateful of me

my hall ticket thing is one hell of a long story actually.. n yesterday, i almost left one of my important records in an auto! 1st of all, i had to wait for 40 minutes for an auto, i reached college at 10am n am told that d practicals might start at 11am. wat would a not-so-sane, taking-things-for-granted-girl-who didnt-study-when-she had-d-time do? freak out obviously!!! i wanted to study in college from 9.30am till 12.30pm( d pracs was supposed to start at 12.30pm NOT 11am )

n then i realized that i never put my record in my bag!! (i was holding d record in my hand all along while waiting for d auto, when i finally got one, i was just so tired. i sat in d auto with my bag on my lap n my record on d seat next to me. within a few minutes i thought i should put my record in my bag, cos i wouldnt wanna leave it in d auto. that book carries 5 marks n hours n hours of striving n suffering to write n draw all d diagrams. but i didnt put it in my bag immediately cos i was tired to my move lazy hands!) i almost died when i realized that i wasnt holding my record in my hand! how will i ever find that auto?! how will i explain to my lecturers n d external examiners that i was a fool to leave it in an auto!!?

i didnt know wat to do! i started panicking! (which i dont usually do. i'm not d panicking kindda person!) i knew my record wasnt in d bag cos i didnt put it in at all... but i still opened my bag to assure myself of how idiotic i can get! n guess wat... my record was rite there..in my bag.. where i didnt put it in

i was close to tears when i saw my record in my bag. d whole of yesterday i tried recalling, thinking of wat i did, n when i put d record in my bag... but all i could come up with was that i didnt put d book in my bag.

n then i finally started studying.. i had already read through everything d nite before, but i didnt do d proper studying. but yesterday of all d days i was so nervous.i've never been this nervous before ( even when i havent even read one word ) till i got d gastric sort of pain ( u get it not only because of starvation but also because of tension n stress ). i was practically shivering n a total wreck, a friend was explaining something n i just cut her off n told her it wasnt necessary.

when our practicals finally started at 12.30pm, for once i wasnt d 1st one who had to identify d slides and get my paper corrected and laughed at if i had identified it wrongly ( mine is d 1st roll number in each and every examination since d 1st semester, so i'm d one who has to go 1st all d time ). the lecturer called another girl to do d honour for once :). when it was my turn, i identified it all correctly, wrote decent answers n did d slide preparation quite well too. i did pretty well in d end... not all too great, not all too bad

at d end of d day, after everything works out right even with loads of uncertainness and doubts and fear, all we can do is to Praise the Lord for His never ending love and His mighty works rite. Thank You Lord!


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