i know.. i know.. i'm slacking ....

i dont really remember wat i've been up to since i last blogged.... so many things happening at d same time.....

i drove to Penang on friday.... yup! i finally renewed my drivers license... actually.. i had to drive myself to d post office to get it renewed.. i thought of driving off straight to Penang cos we were very late, but i dared not take d risk... didnt wanna get yet another ticket from d cops... so, now that i have my license.. i can drive anywhere, anytime!!!! but i'm already getting sick of d traffic in BM n Penang these days... i've only driven for 3 days n i'm already sick of d traffic.. i cannot imagine how i'm gonna survive if i were to be travelling Penang everyday from home! :S

anyway, went with sherline and yasmin. had to drop by in IDP and USM n most importantly MAS Cargo to collect my cargo. i got my cargo already!!! yay! i have my clothes n my stuff now!! i dont have to use my mum's clothes n look like i'm floating in it! hahha... but now that i have my clothes.. my mum refuses to take me out shopping! :( i wish my clothes came a few days later... but i'm happy i already have it la.. i can persuade my mum to take me shopping very soon.. there's nothing i cant persuade my mum to do for me... hehehe....

d other day.. i think it was on friday nite.. my mum n i were talking.. n i realized how much i torture my mum.. poor her.. watever i ask for.. i get it immediately! she doesnt complain at all... eerr.. ok she does complain.. but that doesnt stop her from getting me wat i asked for... when i'm in India, my mum doesnt even go out shopping.. all she does is go to work, come back home, go to d shops to get some household things n thats it. but when i'm back in Malaysia... we dont stay at home at all..! i drag her out every single day!! i dont understand how she managed to support me all these years! *sigh*

i know i should be more considerate... i should cut down on my shopping, n demanding for all d new stuff n all that crap.. but i cant help it la.. good or bad.. this is wat i am.. if my mum can tolerate it.. then my husband to be MUST also be able to tolerate it n provide !! LOL

anyway, i'm gonna put up d random pics which i took when i went out last week.... btw, none of d pics r from my phone... it's all from yasmin's phone... i literally had to beg her for her phone cos it's soooo cool!!!!!!! 3.2 mp sony ericsson phone la! wat do u expect! it has so many features in it n yasmin still doesnt know wat is for wat!! n she was taking her pics using 1 mp!!!


these r d pics we took when we went to Sunway Mall for a movie (Narnia).. had breakfast/lunch in Noodle Station...:

Sherine ,, she has a blog.. but she never uploads .. she says she doesnt have ideas.. she's an English teacher btw.. who doesnt read n write n who pronounces market and ticket as "marrrkeett" n "tickeettt"! LOL!

Yasmin hates taking pics.. so she ends up making all sorts of faces.. n she's probably gonna kill me for putting up this pic! :P btw, thats her black coffee.. or was it white coffee??


Sherline n her Ceylone Tea

Sherline d hungry ghost.. she was too hungry that she immediately started gobbling down her food n refused to let us take a pic of her food! Hhaahha... d poor girl starved herself d nite before cos she was too scared to face her bro after getting his car scratched unintentionally...

chicken dumplings i think... it was last tuesday.. i cant remember wat is wat la.. all i do it eat it if its nice.. thats all i know

my coffee .. yup i ordered coffee cos i was still so sleepy at almost noon n i wanted to try n get used to coffee. did i like it?? nope!! yasmin ended up finishing it for me... n she complained about it tasting more of milk n no coffee at all while all i could taste was pure bitter coffee!

me noodles n lots of crab meat n fish balls!!! me love crab n fish balls!! (... among other sea food....)

my breakfast cum lunch.... d spoon was so cute... curved at d bottom...

Yasmin's noodles...dunno wat its called la....

we stopped by in Old Town White Coffee for a drink cos both Sherline n Yasmin love coffee n Yasmin was falling asleep while driving...

me n yasmin

me n sherline in Old Town White coffee.. that whole place smells like coffee!!

LAst friday we dropped by in d place called Hidden Recipe for a proper meal... ( we didnt eat anything solid or filling a whole day cos we were late n stuck in d traffic jam )

d pics were so 3D-ish... really outstanding... didnt have time to take proper pics cos yasmin tarik harga n refused to gimme her phone.. hhmmppf....

even d wall paper was so 3D-ish... looked like real bricks...

Yasmin Batman!! :D

n her fried rice.. disappointing she said... not it was ok la....

Chicken sausage... looked great on d outside... but not all that great to eat.. i didnt like it...

sherline's order... dunno wat its called... but d fish was nice!

Sherline... impatiently waiting to chew on her food....

my chocolate milk shake!!! it looked so yummy!!!! i was literally falling asleep until d minute d waitress brought d drink to me... immediately i was wide awake!! LOL! it was yummy also... tasted more like Dutch Lady chocolate milk rather than chocolate milk shake.. but i like both.. so np!! :D

n me sausages.. no.. i wasnt dieting... i had to go back home n have dinner.. so i ordered something light...

yasmin n sherline were too busy eating... so i had tot ake my own pic... :P

Did u know that u can put dried rice in d salt container so that d salt doesnt fall excessively in your food??! i didnt till d day i saw it!!

my multi coloured face... yasmin's photographic skills...


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