I've decided....

... that i'm gonna get married n settle down n not bother about wat or where to study next...

well, any potential grooms to be available??

pls feel free to mail me or msg me. we can fix an appointment to meet up and find out if we can get along n can tolerate each other for d rest of our lives.

to the potential applicants...:
~ u dont have to worry about supporting my future education.... (cos i dont intend to study anymore... )

~u'll only have to be able to provide my daily needs and necessities... (which includes shopping n electronic gadgets and all d latest household equipments).... i'm not all that difficult to please

~u'll have to know how to cook ( cos i suck at it!) and do a little bit of housework... ( or else i can arrange for training for u... thats not a problem)

~u'll have to be very very loyal to me as i will be to u ( if i ever find out that u'r straying around behind my back... u can forgo u'r balls )

~and last but not least... u'll have to be able to buy me a BMW ... it doesnt necessarily have to be a 5 series one... i dont mind with a 3 series

all said n done..... dont be shy to mail me!


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