one week....

it's been exactly one whole week since i last blogged..

it's been one whole week since i actually stayed at home for longer than a nite's rest...

last week was a hectic week.... no, i havent started working... no, i havent started studying.... n no, i havent got myself a boyfriend last week...

i've just been busy working for absolutely no pay... i've been my mum's PA/driver/Sec/legal adviser/office girl/comp assistant/Clerk/dish washer/cook/house cleaner/organizer... u name it.. n i'm all that!!

i drove thousands of kilometers in one week alone last week.... until i got sick of driving! with d petrol prices so high rite now.. my car is showing no mercy on me... neither is my mum! i had to go to penang by bus last friday! :(

there's so much i want to blog about... i still havent sorted out my KL pics ( though we didnt take as many pics as we could have ), n so many other pics for that matter....

i'm still switching between my mum's comp n mine... now all my pics are in my comp... but i'm using my mum's comp at d moment.. so cant upload any pics... when i have my comp with me and want to sort out everything n blog, i either dont have d time, or d wifi isnt working, when i'm using my mum's comp... i dont have pics to blog about n upload!

i still havent transferred all my favourites from my old comp to my new comp... talk about procrastinating!

i'm d QUEEN of procrastination!!!! ( not that i'm proud of it though)

i finally mailed all my friends in orkut n told them that i was gonna delete my orkut account. i finally did it after 3 whole months!!!! shheeessh!

i havent been cooking for d past 3 weeks already now i think... got to start cooking again this week... but i'll be out tomorrow n wednesday again! sigh.....

i started painting a velvet cloth with a flower basket design about a month ago ( or i think it was more than a month)... n i havent proceeded more than a tiny part of the flower basket handle! its sitting on one of my study table n collecting dust!

its been 2 whole months since i've been back n i STILL havent gone shopping! can u believe it!! i havent gone shopping in more than half a year already!! n my mum isnt bothered whenever i crib about not having anything appropriate to wear! i paid so much for my cargo to be sent from bangalore to malaysia n yet i dont have d things that i need d most! sigh....

i intend to sort out my studyroom n my comp (for the how many-th time i dont know... ) by today!!

wish me luck!!


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