Surprise surprise!!!
GUESS WAT!!!!!!!!
2 surprises today so far!! :D
as soon as i got up this morning, i walked straight to my study room and switched on my comp n pulled d phone nearer to me n started making calls. i was stuck with d comp n phone till about 10 am when i finally decided it was high time i got something to eat, cos my stomach was grumbling so badly.
d 1st thing i saw when i walked over 2 d door was THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!! :

i LOVE The STAR!!!!!!!!!!
i'm not promoting that newspaper k! i said i love The STAR cos thats my fav newspaper ever since i started reading newspaper.. ( for watever purpose la )
my mum stopped buying newspapers at home ever since i left to india to study cos no one reads d paper at home... (they all got newspapers in their office wat... so no need to buy at home also la). but poor poor me got no newspaper at home!! :(

everyday i have to remind my mum to buy newspaper for me, but by d time she comes back home in d evening she completely forgets about it, or else she doesnt have d time during lunch hour. even if she goes ind evening there's no more STAR paper on d stands :(
d newspaper vendor who sends paper to my house everyday in d morning changed his number already!! so couldnt find anyone la! n i dont wake up early enough to catch them zooming around d taman in d mornings... my mum even made me sit on d swing in our house porch n wait for d newspaper vendor so that i can talk to him directly. i still missed him... cos i fell asleep on d swing! dont ask me how i managed to sleep on d swing... i was just too sleepy.... :P
yesterday i finally maneged to catch hold of one newspaper vendor who was stuck with his motorbike... i think it broke down on him.. but all i cared was the STAR paper! i literally begged to remember to bring the paper to my house everyday!
when i 1st started reading newspapers during primary school... i only read 3 pages from that entire paper..... one page of tv guide n 2 pages of cartoon n comics

i absolutely adore Garfield

even Kee's world is fun reading...

so is Zits..

Hi and Lois is funny at times....

oh.. n how can i forget Calvin n hobbes!!!

so.. those were d only things i read while in school.... yea... literally d only things i read throughout my primary school....
n then i started reading d whole newspaper... right from d 1st page till d very last page! (i'm so proud of myself!!! :D)

but these days (meaning for d past 2 weeks) d 1st page that i hunt for (as soon as i get hold of d paper) is this :

yup.. i'm unemployed n jobless ( actually, i'm not jobless... i'm drowning till my head.. but i'm not getting paid for watever i'm doing! hhmppfff )... but i proudly fill up forms n still call myself a student! ( shame on me )
anyway, grabbed my breakfast n started reading d paper...

yea.. that was my breakfast for d day... my poor stomach... ( but it doesnt seem to be shrinking even when i dont feed it! )
yesterday i found a cute guy's pic in an add for MBA n msged sherline n yasmin about it... while considering doing MBA in that same college... :P. unfortunately no luck today
anyways, i almost forgot that i had a very very important assignment which i promised my mum i'd start from today! that's surprise number 2!
chumi is officially gonna start cooking from today onwards n try not to burn d house down while at it!
i did keep my word k.... on both issues... i did start cooking today n i did not burn d house down! hahahha
i made my mum buy so many things not knowing wat is for wat n i told her i'll take care of d cooking for this whole week... i even forced her out of d kitchen last nite n made her leave all d vegetables n meat for me to cook. i even refused to tell her wat i was gonna cook today cos i didnt know wat to do myself :P
i had planned a proper menu last nite before going to bed... but didnt feel like it this morning... so, i decided to start off with something simple... thank God for that! or else i would have spoiled everything
i made fried rice... forget about d recipe n working procedures.. i mean.. cooking methods.... i had imagined it to turn out in one way n it turned out d opposite way!!

pity my mum la....had to eat wat i did... i had to eat it myself also la...
it wasnt all that bad my mum said... but it had that something missing feeling/taste
mum said there wasnt enough salt n probably a little more chilli powder would have made it better
she didnt complain :)
tomorrow i'm gonna make sure i spend more time n make sure i actually do it better than today....
1st time ok la kan??
2 surprises today so far!! :D
as soon as i got up this morning, i walked straight to my study room and switched on my comp n pulled d phone nearer to me n started making calls. i was stuck with d comp n phone till about 10 am when i finally decided it was high time i got something to eat, cos my stomach was grumbling so badly.
d 1st thing i saw when i walked over 2 d door was THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!! :
i LOVE The STAR!!!!!!!!!!
i'm not promoting that newspaper k! i said i love The STAR cos thats my fav newspaper ever since i started reading newspaper.. ( for watever purpose la )
my mum stopped buying newspapers at home ever since i left to india to study cos no one reads d paper at home... (they all got newspapers in their office wat... so no need to buy at home also la). but poor poor me got no newspaper at home!! :(
everyday i have to remind my mum to buy newspaper for me, but by d time she comes back home in d evening she completely forgets about it, or else she doesnt have d time during lunch hour. even if she goes ind evening there's no more STAR paper on d stands :(
d newspaper vendor who sends paper to my house everyday in d morning changed his number already!! so couldnt find anyone la! n i dont wake up early enough to catch them zooming around d taman in d mornings... my mum even made me sit on d swing in our house porch n wait for d newspaper vendor so that i can talk to him directly. i still missed him... cos i fell asleep on d swing! dont ask me how i managed to sleep on d swing... i was just too sleepy.... :P
yesterday i finally maneged to catch hold of one newspaper vendor who was stuck with his motorbike... i think it broke down on him.. but all i cared was the STAR paper! i literally begged to remember to bring the paper to my house everyday!
when i 1st started reading newspapers during primary school... i only read 3 pages from that entire paper..... one page of tv guide n 2 pages of cartoon n comics
i absolutely adore Garfield
even Kee's world is fun reading...
so is Zits..
Hi and Lois is funny at times....
oh.. n how can i forget Calvin n hobbes!!!
so.. those were d only things i read while in school.... yea... literally d only things i read throughout my primary school....
n then i started reading d whole newspaper... right from d 1st page till d very last page! (i'm so proud of myself!!! :D)
but these days (meaning for d past 2 weeks) d 1st page that i hunt for (as soon as i get hold of d paper) is this :
yup.. i'm unemployed n jobless ( actually, i'm not jobless... i'm drowning till my head.. but i'm not getting paid for watever i'm doing! hhmppfff )... but i proudly fill up forms n still call myself a student! ( shame on me )
anyway, grabbed my breakfast n started reading d paper...
yea.. that was my breakfast for d day... my poor stomach... ( but it doesnt seem to be shrinking even when i dont feed it! )
yesterday i found a cute guy's pic in an add for MBA n msged sherline n yasmin about it... while considering doing MBA in that same college... :P. unfortunately no luck today
anyways, i almost forgot that i had a very very important assignment which i promised my mum i'd start from today! that's surprise number 2!
chumi is officially gonna start cooking from today onwards n try not to burn d house down while at it!
i did keep my word k.... on both issues... i did start cooking today n i did not burn d house down! hahahha
i made my mum buy so many things not knowing wat is for wat n i told her i'll take care of d cooking for this whole week... i even forced her out of d kitchen last nite n made her leave all d vegetables n meat for me to cook. i even refused to tell her wat i was gonna cook today cos i didnt know wat to do myself :P
i had planned a proper menu last nite before going to bed... but didnt feel like it this morning... so, i decided to start off with something simple... thank God for that! or else i would have spoiled everything
i made fried rice... forget about d recipe n working procedures.. i mean.. cooking methods.... i had imagined it to turn out in one way n it turned out d opposite way!!
pity my mum la....had to eat wat i did... i had to eat it myself also la...
it wasnt all that bad my mum said... but it had that something missing feeling/taste
mum said there wasnt enough salt n probably a little more chilli powder would have made it better
she didnt complain :)
tomorrow i'm gonna make sure i spend more time n make sure i actually do it better than today....
1st time ok la kan??