mission accomplished..... NOT
i failed miserably today!!! but my poor mum had no say in it....
she asked me if i wanted anything specific.. i said no... i just told her to get watever she wanted to...
i woke up way after she left for work this morning.. n then came d "call" to wake me up! hehehhe....
i told mum i'll d cooking today n insisted on not letting her do d cooking last nite.... she after she came back from d market i quickly stored everything away in d fridge. when she asked wat i wanted to do... i didnt tell her.. i simply saidshe'll know tomorrow at lunch time
i spent about half an hour with my recipe book(so called recipe book la... its already falling into pieces cos it's like 7 years old n made out of my cousin bro's school note book! :P) this morning...not trying to decide on wat to cook, but trying to identify d ingredients n figure out which is wat! :P
i finally decided on a few things... n then i realized that we didnt have some stuff, so had to change d menu, n make do with watever i had la...
ok ok, long story short... i obviously spoilt everything!
laugh la laugh la... laugh all u want... hhmmpphh.... some day i'll be able to make a decent meal without burning it
i used up all d tomatos my mum bought for something else for my tomato rice, i burnt d carrots, n i over cooked d long beans ( actually, think i didnt let it cook enough...)
d tomato rice is a story on its own!! hahhaha... my aunt in india was d one who gave me d recipi for this stuff. she said must use 6 big tomatos, but i only used 5 cos it didnt fit into d blender all together. when my mum complained about too much tomato, i proudly told her that i used less than wat was actually required.... thats when she told me that d tomatos in india a really really small! one indian tomato is as big as half d size of a normal malaysian tomato... ooppsssiieee..... :P
anyway, it was too late to do anything about any of d food, so mum had to eat it n then rush back to work... while i had to have this for lunch....

sigh.... i wonder how ppl can cook so well la.... my mum kept giving dirty looks with every mouth of food.... come on la.. u cant expect me to be a pro at 1st shot rite.... practice makes perfect! LOL... (yea rite!)
i just sent in a few more applications for jobs trough jobstreet. n i mailed my resume without attaching my resume!! so i had to mail all of them again n apologize n then attach d resume n send it to them.....
n my stupid pda installion cd wouldnt work!!! i cant sync my pda with my comp now, n i cant donwload anything at all into my pda now!! boohhoooo :( :( :(
wat to do??! where to go n find another cd? i tried searching online, but cannot get also....
she asked me if i wanted anything specific.. i said no... i just told her to get watever she wanted to...
i woke up way after she left for work this morning.. n then came d "call" to wake me up! hehehhe....
i told mum i'll d cooking today n insisted on not letting her do d cooking last nite.... she after she came back from d market i quickly stored everything away in d fridge. when she asked wat i wanted to do... i didnt tell her.. i simply saidshe'll know tomorrow at lunch time
i spent about half an hour with my recipe book(so called recipe book la... its already falling into pieces cos it's like 7 years old n made out of my cousin bro's school note book! :P) this morning...not trying to decide on wat to cook, but trying to identify d ingredients n figure out which is wat! :P
i finally decided on a few things... n then i realized that we didnt have some stuff, so had to change d menu, n make do with watever i had la...
ok ok, long story short... i obviously spoilt everything!
laugh la laugh la... laugh all u want... hhmmpphh.... some day i'll be able to make a decent meal without burning it
i used up all d tomatos my mum bought for something else for my tomato rice, i burnt d carrots, n i over cooked d long beans ( actually, think i didnt let it cook enough...)
d tomato rice is a story on its own!! hahhaha... my aunt in india was d one who gave me d recipi for this stuff. she said must use 6 big tomatos, but i only used 5 cos it didnt fit into d blender all together. when my mum complained about too much tomato, i proudly told her that i used less than wat was actually required.... thats when she told me that d tomatos in india a really really small! one indian tomato is as big as half d size of a normal malaysian tomato... ooppsssiieee..... :P
anyway, it was too late to do anything about any of d food, so mum had to eat it n then rush back to work... while i had to have this for lunch....
sigh.... i wonder how ppl can cook so well la.... my mum kept giving dirty looks with every mouth of food.... come on la.. u cant expect me to be a pro at 1st shot rite.... practice makes perfect! LOL... (yea rite!)
i just sent in a few more applications for jobs trough jobstreet. n i mailed my resume without attaching my resume!! so i had to mail all of them again n apologize n then attach d resume n send it to them.....
n my stupid pda installion cd wouldnt work!!! i cant sync my pda with my comp now, n i cant donwload anything at all into my pda now!! boohhoooo :( :( :(
wat to do??! where to go n find another cd? i tried searching online, but cannot get also....