not only dust...

remember in my previous post ( just d one below this ) i mentioned how messy n dusty my room is, n i also said that i had started a velvet painting thing about a month ago n i'm yet to continue after that... i said that it's been collecting dust in my room...

that nite when i was clearing up my room, i realized that not only did my velvet painting cloth collect dust... it collected this as well!!!!!!!!!!

anyway... i'm in KFC auto city now..... my streamyx broadband connection is SO SO SOOOOO BA at home!!! i freakin couldnt log into my hotmail acc for d past 2 days n thing morning i couldnt even log in to y yahoo n gmail acc!! when i tried opening other ppl's blog, i could... but when i tried opening my own blog so that i could at least blog.. i couldnt!!!

wat la.. other ppl blog can open but my own blog cannot! it 's as if telecoms n streamyx are ganging up againts me n trying to stop me from going online!!

as if thats gonna stop me! i badly had to check my mails n do so many things online.. but i was stuck at home cos got no car today. days when i wanna stay put at home i'm forced to go out... on days when i wanna go out n i'm stuck at home.... sigh..

had to wait until my mum came back home during d lunch hour. dropped her back at work n settlled myself comfortably in a conner in KFC.. ( although i'm not all tat comfortable rite now.. my back is killing me! :s)

planned to do so many things while in KFC... but my comp battery is gonna die on me in like 25 minutes!! n there isnt any plug point where i can charge my comp!! talk about d world being against u!!

i havent done most of d things i supposed to la... wat do to now...? i got to go n hunt a place where they have free wifi, n where they also have plug points.....

imagine walking in to some old town or barista n asking them if they have free wifi n plug point before i order anything or settle down ( thats wat i did in KFC actually... but i didnt ask them if they had a plug point.... i didnt know la... ) i guess thats how they chase away customers if they stay for too long with a drink n a twister..... :S


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