absolutely heavenly

n i cant stop smiling!!!!

its so heavenly.... i have no idea wat i'd do without it.... i have no idea how anyone could ever survive without this!



Anonymous said…
me munching FR
Chumi Lakshmi said…
then u must really know wat i'm talking about! :D
The Yaz said…
I have a box of 2 dozen of them sitting in my fridge for almost a month now.
Chumi Lakshmi said…
The yaz: i'll give u my new add, y dont u do justice to Ferrero Rocher and send it over to me!!
Horlic said…
I just wondering what will happen if one day Chumi meet a guy named Mr.Ferrero Rocher! haha
Chumi Lakshmi said…
Horlic: i'd marry him!! LOL

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