i've seriously evolved a lot over the years.. the way i look, d way i talk, d way i do certain things, my hairstyles, my finger nails. today will just be about the finger nails... (cos i cant dig up all my other pics now). about ten years ago, one of my best friends made me stay over in her place during the school holidays. we were left alone at home after her parents went to work.. all we did after that was talk n talk n talk, n play video games as if it was nobody's business (cos her bro wasnt there to hog the video games!). when we were finally bored with 'the mario brothers', my friend wanted to paint my nails. she loved nail polish and long hair, while i was still this tiny little tomboy with short hair. n i literally did not have finger nails, cos i used to chew on them 24/7! back then my fingers used to be really skinny and tiny, especially my pinky finger, so my finger nails were naturally very tiny too. but because i used to bite my finger nails all the time, i...
take care... cheers...
and you are tagged!
MiM: very considerate bday present all the way from KL! LOL