Chem pracs

hello all beautiful ppl of the world….:)

Its been a good day today…a very good day!! ..not just because i did well in my chem pracs…but becauce God loves me so much! :)

right from the time i woke up…i felt God’s presence with me today…i havent been a very good girl for some time now…but God always understands…The Lord was with me through out my Chem pracs today. before i reached college…was i having doubts of how i’d do the exam today, cos God helps those who help themselves…n i havent been doing that off late as well…so, i was actually mentally preparing myself to accept the punishment from God for not setting my priorities rite….but as i was writing d exam….i realized that i was so wrong!!! I wrote d paper non stop cos everything i read was just coming to my memory word after word!! Thank God for all that!!

well…one pracs is over…2 more to go..n then theory papers will be starting from d 7th of Nov

God’s love is the only love that is guaranteed to last…Jer 31:3

have a great day ppl!! :)

PS…i found this pic a few days ago…since i’ve successfully finished my chem pracs….i’m putting up this pic…:)



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