
finally…all my practicals are over!! it feels as if i’ve finished my final exams!! well…that’s a long way to go…*sigh…*

Anyways…today’s zoology pracs was ok….i could identify all the four specimens…n write about it…(i added my own grandmother stories in between though….;p) but couldn’t draw the last diagram…that bone was rather complicated…but it doesnt matter….i’ll only lose 1 or 2 marks there….

So, since my exams were over…( for this week that is…) i went out with my friend instead of coming back home straight after college like i usually do…she had to go to some place to collect some stuff for her mum…so i just followed her….n i had zinger burger today! ( after such a long time!) … then we came back home to leave our bags and books, then went out again…..eerr…..we were not loitering around the whole evening and night….we had to go to do the doctor cos we got wet in the rain while we were out in the evening…thanks to my weak immune system!! i didnt wanna take chances of getting sick….especially during exam time…so i had to go to the doctor for my prevention and precaution dose…:p

the doctor gave me tablets and liquid mixture…i hate tablets!! y couldnt he have given me only the liquid dose, or some injection!! i wouldnt mind having to take injections everyday compared to tablets!! but thank God those tablets were only chewable..ehehehe…homeopathy u see….so, i dont have to swallow them….just chew it…i wonder how it tastes…i was supposed to start tonite…but i’ll do the innauguration thing in the morning…was too lazy..

Anyway, there was something more interesting today…or rather embarrassing …or should i say stupidity….?! watever it is….eerr…i dont think i wanna share it yet..maybe a few years later….when i’m mentally stable to think that i can laugh about it….! i didnt do anything violent, or against the rule or anything wild….my friend n i just did something silly…that’s all….

i have to go to college again tomorrow for some silly internal assessment things…the teacher missplaces my answer sheets and makes me run about for it! how considerate of the teacher!! well, i got to go sleep…havent slept properly in days!!

God nite ppl…sweet dreams….:)


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