i'm going bananas

yup…u read it rite…..i’m going bananas….not because of my studies…..but because of MOBILE PHONES…!!

EVERYONE around me seems to be changing their phones off late!! and i feel as if i’m being provoked!!

if only it wasnt for that guy who stole my baby phone from me…i wouldnt be whining and grumbling and trying to talk my mum into getting me a another phone now! i really loved that phone…n i finally told myself and my mum that i wasnt gonna change my phone so often…like i usually do….. but since i lost that phone….n had to get another one before coming back to india…..i felt really guilty and upset…so i just got a samsung x650…..

for the past four months, i didnt really think about changing my phone….n i never bothered looking around too cos if i did, i know i’ll wanna change my phone again…..but like i said…off late so many ppl around me are changing their mobile phone…..and that’s really really provoking me to change mine too….

when i say a lot of ppl….i really mean a lot of ppl!! my classmates, my counsins, my friends back at home, my friends here in India, n also my neighbours!! how am i supposed to survive like this!! it feels as if everyone’s planned it together to make me go crazy!

i tried talking to my mum about it. i didnt even tell her that i wanted another phone…i just told her that everyone around me have got new phones….and she knew wat i was getting to…! ;) …..n she gave me a good LONG lecture…about being materialistic….

She wasnt really saying that i’m being materialistic….but she said that i shouldnt be so into this kindda things…my mum for one hates mobile phones….so she absolutely doesnt like it when i tell her that i want another phone….she thinks that it’s not worth it changing phones so often…after all, i only need it for making n receiving calls and smses….

my mum was obviously rite…..but i just cant help it ……. i like mobile phones no matter wat….. its not that i’m being materialistic or watever….its just that, if u like something, u’ll surely wanna have it rite…?! thats the problem with me…

well, this time, i dont think i can get my way done…cos my mum’s bent on not getting me another phone cos the one i have now is only 4 months old…n it’s perfectly alrite….!

Anyway, since christmas and New Year is just around the corner….and with all the year end sale and promotions everywhere…..i’ve decided to make things easier for all you guys……

u dont have to spend too much time thinking of wat u wanna get me or wat i would want…..i’ve already put up d pics of the presents (in my album) i want this year….and while doing that…i’ve been very considerate….cos i’ve even given u guys a choice as to which one to get me…..;)

So, which ever one u get me…i’ll be happy….!! :D

i got to go and study for tomorrow’s exam now….

bye bye ppl….and HAPPY SHOPPING….for my present…!!! :D ;)


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