Cinderella me....

Chumi Cinderella..??…or….Cinderella Chumi…..??Chumi Cinderella sounds better…hahaha….

ok…for today…i was Cinderella….minus the step mum, and step sisters…..get wat i mean…?

my room has been like pig sty for the past 2 or 3 weeks now…thanks to my exams!!! so, as soon as my exams got over today at 1pm….like a good girl(as usual actually)…i came back home immediately….had lunch, watched Oprah’s show for a while…n then started to get to work at about 3pm.

i had to organize my clothes first….n i was so shocked myself!!! for the past few days i couldnt find most of my clothes and my cupboard was almost empty!! only today i realized where all the clothes were…in the laundry bag!!!! i had to put it in the washing machine in two batches…cos there were SO much….n everything wouldnt fit in at one go!! the washing machine is still running!!

anyway, after that, i had to clear out all my bags and books….i was so happy to stuff all my books into the cupboard…hehehe…wouldnt be needing it anymore u c….!!

then,i dusted my room. since my room is in d balcony, and its really windy here…my room gets dusty really fast…then, i swept my room 3 times!! not because it was that dusty!! ( it was dusty to a certain extend….but 3 times!! how could i have lived in my room if it was that bad!!) i had to sweep my room 3 times, cos i didnt know how to do it properly…..:p….if i sweep d dust to one corner of the room, it flies to another corner of the room!! by the time, i finish sweeping once n collecting d dust….d room was still, had to do it 3 times….n then i had to mop the place….did that 3 times too!!…

That isnt all Cinderella had to do for today…i washed all my shoes and sandals….i didnt even bother counting how many pairs there were…cos i lost count half way….and then i collected all my socks…had to soak it n then wash it later …but i forgot to soak it….(will have to do it tomorrow….aarrgghh…!!!)

my back felt as if it was dislocated for a moment!! i was so dead tired by the time i finished all this!! ,…by then my room was SO CLEAN!!! i was standing at at door admiring my room ….hehehe….

i wanted to take pics of my clean, tidy, neat room…but i was too tired….n my cupboard was in a mess..couldnt find my camera…i’ll have to clear up n arrange my cupboard tomorrow….too tired to do that today…so, i’ll just postpone the piccie taking session to tomorrow…have to take pics of my friends new bike tomorrow too…so, i guess i’ll update my pics in friendster tomorrow or d day after….

am dead tired now…..i’m gonna have dinner and crash!!

Good nite ppl……


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