of dreams....

I’ve had so many dreams off late….eerr…within this past 2 weeks….

I’m not d kind of person who usually dreams…Normally, when I wake up in the morning, I remember that I dreamt something, but I wouldn’t know wat exactly it was. If I remember any of my dreams..its usually very stupid and impractical ( I get weird dreams when I’m dead tired or when I have lots of things in my mind…it’s a way to laugh at myself n relax a little bit I think..:p)……or I only remember it when it happens…it feels as if I rewind and play that few minutes in my life…cos I would have dreamt about exactly that situation ….. at first it was kindda scary…but then I got used to it…but my mum took some time…hhaha….when she’s talking, or when we’re driving or just anytime, I would just stop whatever I’m doing n tell her that I dreamt that….mum thought it was spooky….but she eventually got used to it..cos it was becoming ones too often…now my friends here are getting spooked….hhehehe…it’ll take them some time to get used to it…..

Anyways, I’ve been dreaming about this one person a few times. I’ve heard that when u think of something, or someone too often, u dream about them…but I haven’t been thinking about him at all….when I told my friend about it when we were talking something about dreams…she starting teasing and saying that I’ve been thinking about him n that I don’t wanna admit to her n all that…y wouldn’t I wanna admit to her that I like some guy….? I don’t have to hide it as long as that guy doesn’t know rite…??!! :p…hahaha…

Anyways, he wasn’t d only guy I dreamt about…..i even dreamt about my neighbour/friend…:s…for no particular reason……

And I even dreamt about my friend telling me that she didn’t study one sub topic in d whole of one chapter….n that was d only thing which was asked in d exam!!! Missed 4 marks just like that!! If only I had remembered it as soon as I woke up!!

2 days ago, i had this weird dream about my friend who has in a clown’s costume!! i have no idea y she was wearing that costume!! its been such a long time since i spoke to her too..

There were a few more funny and weird dreams..but i dont remember anything already now…cos when i wake up in the morning, i dont have the time to sit n recall wat i dreamt… when i get up, i only think about wat to study…or rather wat was i studying d nite before when i accidentally slept off and wat to study for that day so that i can be prepared for my exams..!!

I’ve got to go n look for a book which tells all about dreams…I think its called ‘Interpreting Dreams’…not because I believe in it…just wanna know wat kindda story man can come up with about other ppl’s dreams!! Hahaha…

oo….. n once I dreamt about a ship…just like d Titanic ship….MINUS Leonardo, n Kate (whatever their names are…)….instead there were chocolates….:D HAHAHAHA…!!!

the ship was made of Ferrero Rocher chocolates!!! there were 2 layers of d huge box as the base ( the box which was 25 chocolates in it…) n then above it was another 2 rectangular box( the one with 8 chocolates in one layer, and another 8 on top of it ), above that was the small pack of 3 chocolates…n finally one single ferrrero rocher….

It looked simply superb!! It even had smoke coming from the top…!!!! It was awesome …to see ferrero chocolates floating on the ocean…just like a ship….and from the angle I saw it….it was so huge and gigantic!!! I had this dream in year 2004….it wasn’t even a dream…it was a vision…cos I saw it when I was praying with mum, n I was wide a wake to know that I wasn’t dreaming!! N I told her about it…..i even told mum that it was a vision from God!! Hahaha….n guess wat my mum told me….she since it was a vision from God, she asked me to pray about it and ask God to send it to me from heaven!!! N u know wat…this dream did come true…minus the ocean, and smoke though…

My mum finally bought all that chocolate for me….after almost a year!!! It was worth the wait anyway…so much of chocolates…n that too FERRERO ROCHERS!!! I will do anything at all for that chocolates!!!!!!!!!


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