me sick....

a lot has happened since d last time i blogged…but am lazy to recall everything n write…

i reached chennai on (last) sunday morning at about 5am, had my bath, played with my cousins for a while, spoke to my aunty’s mother-in-law( my grandmother ), watched tv, had lunch, n then slept off till 7 in d evening! then woke up, got ready n went to d airport to fetch my mum…i took almost one hour to get ready..hahha…n my aunty was laughing at me…my grandmother was looking as if i was getting ready to present myself to some bridegroom!! :p i took almost half an hour to put on d eye liner cos its been such a long time since i last used it…:p…didnt want to look tired or sickly when mum sees me after 5 whole months!!

anyway, monday n tuesday nothing much happened…just stayed at home, ate a lot, slept a lot, n watched tv.

wednesday we went out shopping!! :D did solid shopping, bought a few novels…n d end of d day is d best part….we went to Pelita nasi kandar!!! yay yay!!!! i had nasi lemak, iced milo, n then had ice kacang. n d next day i fell sick because of d ice kacang!!

we went shopping again on thursday…i only had sore throat when we left d house in d morning…but later on, i ended up with fever, cough n cold. i was dead tired by d time we reached home at nite…but very very satisfied…hehehe…cos i got a beautiful saree for ethnic day n everything else that i wanted…

mum n i were supposed to go to thirunelvelli on friday nite…but because i was so sick, we postponed it to saturday nite…

had to go to d clicnic, get an injection, n tablets on thursday. i’m so sick of d tablets already now!! thank God i’m much much better today!!

am in thirunelvelli now…i only woke up at 12noon today! :P

got to go out now…



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