
rite... after that was all studies, studies n more studies....n also exams, yup my exams started on d 27th of Oct ( that explains d AAAAAGGGGGHHHHH! shout out in my page rite.. hahahah )... . there were a lot of things.. but i dont remember anything now.. but d most important thing i wanna blog about is about wat happened on... eerr.. lemme think... oh yea.. it was on wednesday during my zoology paper V exam!

first of all i was so stressed out for that exams ( like i always am just a few hours or minutes before any exams ), n d fact that i hardly slept d nite before ( like it always happens d nite before d exams )...i hardly had any common sense to notice anything weird happening around me...!

d paper wasnt too bad actually.. i had chucked a few chapters here n there while studying... but i had enough options to choose from.. but there was a lot to write n i had to make sure i dont leave out any important points. at about 11 am i think, another teacher walked in to our class for d replacement of d teachers as usual... i didnt even bother giving her a second look.. i just continued with my paper...

this lady who had come to my class was walking around n making her rounds to make sure that d girls were not copying... but she failed miserably.. cos many of them were copying while she had he eyes fixed on MY BAG!! ( little did i know that then.. till a little later)

since i sit at d 1st bench, 1st chair ... cos i unfortunately got d 1st role number for d exam register ( i'll tell u y unfortunate... later).. i saw wat this shameless teacher did!! she bent over towards my bag, n she was fidgeting with it... she leaned over with her big fat ass facing d class... ( i guess she must have been hoping that her big fat ass will cover up for her!! well.. it sure did! cos no one else saw wat she did except for me cos it was bag!!) she was looking at d key chain which i had on d zip of my bag. its nothing great actually, just a few nice looking heart shaped crystal like keychain. when i thought she was just looking at it, she was actually trying to take it off from d zip!!! n i was like wat on earth is she trying to do!!!!

even then.. i wanted to give her d benefit of d doubt n not accuse her. so i just shut up n still thought that she wanted to have a good look at it. not only did she take it off d hook, she kept it in her no no.. she held it tight in her hand as if she wanted to hide it. n then she was walking up n down d corridor in class twice, n she went up to her table n chair, n sat there. n she was pretending that she was gonna write something, n she carefully pulled her handbag nearer towards her n put my keychain inside it without making it obvious!

n wat was i doing all along u ask? well,let see.... i was dumbstruck, shocked, annoyed, paranoid, furious, boiling, worried about d stupid exam paper which i had in front of me, n which wasnt completed ( n time was running out by d way!), n i was being considerate towards my classmates! i wanted to tell her that i was my bag that she was fidgeting with, i wanted to stop her when she was removing d keychain, i wanted to stand up n tell her that she was stealing my keychain when she was putting it inside her handbag! but i didnt open my mouth at all cos i didnt wanna disturb d rest of d class while d exam was going on! i mean this exam is no joke.. its not like any other class test, it was our finals...

i couldnt even concentrate on my exam. i was thinking of how to get to that teacher.. n i was looking out d window so often to catch a glimpse of where she was going after she left my class.. n this teacher who was in my class since morning.. gave me d dirtiest looks.. thinking that i was trying to copy!! i really didnt need that then..!

i tried to think of an excuse to get out of d classroom.. i wanted to talk to that shamless lady personally outside d class.. so, i told d teacher that i had to go to d toilet.. she was getting very suspicious but she cant do anything to stop nature's call can she! so very reluctantly she let me go.. while i was out of class, i saw one of d staff member from d examination department whom i know.. so, i asked her if she knew who this teacher was n i told her wat happened... she said not to worry.. n she told me to continue with me exam n she'll talk to d teacher later...

i was kindda relieved after that.. but i still couldnt get my mind off it.. after d exam, i went straight 2 d exam department but i was told that it seem that lady denying taking anything! of course she will!!! which teacher will admit stealing something from a student??!!!n when i went looking for her in d department office.. she wasnt there! obviously! she would have left college already!!

i was so disturbed about it for d rest of d day that i couldnt even study properly for d next exam which i had d next day!! i didnt even know who this lady was.. i've only seen her shaking that big fat ass of hers n walking around d college grounds like a hippo.. all i know about her is that she's a teacher from d Commerce department.. i didnt even know her name!!

i couldnt accept d fact that a teacher could stoop that low for a keychain!! she stole it in front of d whole class! n i couldnt believe that i saw d whole thing n i couldnt do anything about it!! its not about d keychain at all! if she had asked me for it, i might have given it to her, or i might even have offered to find one just like mine...

i let someone steal something from me, n i couldnt do anything about it! i could have... but i didnt wanna disturb d whole class, n i didnt wanna embarrass d teacher in front of everyone..! is it wrong to be considerate for other ppl??! is it wrong to expect others to be honest n truthful??! i mean, i can accept it if it were to be a student.. she she's a teacher in that college for goodness sake!!!!


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