lawyer annamalai was murdered evening

my mum told me about it last nite when i was talking to her....

i was happily yakking away to glory about my d shopping,d clothes that i bought, wat else i wanna buy, asking her to send me more money, about my mum's bangkok trip, n giving her d list of things i want from there n all that nonsense... n towards d end, when i was gonna hang up cos my mum hadnt packed up anything at all for her early today morning... she said there was something that happened yesterday evening n she wasnt sure if she should tell me or not...

i literally had to force it out of her.. n when she finally did tell me.. i felt as if i was stoned! i just didnt believe wat she was telling....

a lot of ppl might be happy that he's finally dead n gone.. cos that's wat they've been praying for.. but a lot more ppl will be really upset about his death... because he was a good man!! he was a criminal n civil lawyer... watever he did was because his profession was such!

only d day before when i was talking to mum, i told her that we have to make an appointment with him when i go back home for holidays end of this month to meet him.. cos d last time i was back in malaysia i didnt see him at all.....n last nite my mum tells me this!!

if he had to die because of natural causes.. that would have been very different... of course it would been very upsetting... but murder is beyond acceptability....

i was gonna blog about this last nite as soon as i heard from my mum... but she told me that d news of his murder wasnt out in d open yet... so i decided againt blogging about it last nite.... today i found d article about his murder in d star online paper

i'm gonna miss him a lot....! :( ... we weren't really close.... but there was a special bond.. he was very fond of me n so was i.... not only is he my uncle ( though i dont know how we're related ), he was our family lawyer for ages...!!! he knew everything that was going on in d family n he was very supportive for all of us... especailly my mum n i...

his death is a terrible loss....


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