not at d top of my life rite now

i;m just getting so sick of my stupid exams... even though i dont study for it everyday.. i am pressured from d very thought of it. this semester's exam time table is just plain lousy! almost everyday i have exams!

n to top this off, almost everyday i get headaches too! i wake up with a headache almost every alternate days! n all i can do is easily take a tablet.. which is acting too much rite now. i took 2 Crocin ( something like Panadol but stronger i think ) on Sunday afternoon, one last nite, one this morning, one in d evening, n 2 more about less than an hour ago... n now i'm feeling nauseated n sick!

wat to i do to get rid of this headache n tension without having to take Panadols?? this is d only solution i can think of n d most effective cos i cant keep my eyes open with a migraine n i cant study while my head feels as if its gonna fall off my neck!

n i am yet to start studying for tomorrow's organic chem. i hate chemistry... leave alone Organic chem!!! n by d way, i had biotech pracs today.. i went quite ok.. except for d burnt n irritating marks i have on my hands now cos of d concentrated Sulphuric acid! i wonder how many more burns i'm gonna get tomorrow in d chem lab! *sigh*


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