i need a family... like right now!

like i've mentioned a few times before... most of my classmates are doctors and working adults... and most of them also have families...

my first question was .. "how on earth can they manage studying postgrad while have a family with them right here in Glasgow?? how will they ever manage to study?? how will they prepare for their PBLs (read the previous post if you dont know wat PBL is)? how do they find the time to complete their reports and scientific essay papers..??"

i got the answer some time back... but i didnt believe it. today i do!!

let me explain

we've had loads of paper works everyday. it's either PBL, report, prelab sessions, or records ( d list seems too short... i think i've missed out something... which i cant recall now.. so just abaikan.. i'll update the list if i remember it soon). we have to work every.single.day.around.the.clock to complete all this work.. otherwise... i dont even wanna think wat'll happen!

Just listen to/read this list of submissions we've had so far :

1) last month we had to submit our very first scientific essay ( correction... MY very first scientific essay). it was the married ppl who submitted their essays first. when we got our results a few weeks ago, it was the married ppl who got As (excellent) and Bs (very good). the ones like me got only C (which is good) and D (satisfactory)

2) about 3 weeks ago, we had to submit a draft for the second essay. it was the married ppl who completed their drafts (as good as a final report) and submitted it without asking for extensions (not that that was allowed anyways!).

3) 2 weeks ago, we had to submit the final copy of the second essay. again, it was the married ppl who submitted their essays waaaayyyyy before it was due ( like 3 days before!!! i only started it 3 days before it was due... but hey, i finished it 36 hours before the deadline). we got the marks for that paper today. it was the married/working ppl who got As and Bs again.

4) there's a 3rd paper due on friday. and guess wat.... some of the married ppl already finished it and submitted it yesterday. ( if you couldnt guess that.... i sympathize u... u'r in a worse situation than me in being blur!)

i NEED A FAMILY ASAP in order to finish my work on time, to get very good and excellent grades and to be happy!!!

i mean... it's true okay! during the submission of our draft about 3 weeks ago, some of my classmates and i were trying to figure out how the married ones managed to finish it on time and get good grades. d only difference we could list out was that......

they were married - we werent,
they had jobs - we didnt,
they had children - we didnt,
they had their own house - we didnt

it all sums up to one thing in the end.... THEY HAVE FAMILIES!!!!!

after all this evidence... i'd be stupid not to believe the fact!!










Magic doesnt exist anymore does it......

it doesnt look like i'm gonna get a family right now...

i'd better get back to my essay.... i wouldnt want to throw my current grades out the window of my second floor room while waiting for the impossible


after friday i'm gonna start hunting for a family.... i wanna get As and Bs and always finish my work on time too!!

will be back on friday with the next post n with a family tied to my apron string or rather my belt!!



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