Vaaranam Aayiram, Krishnan


so many memories came flooding back...

so many dreams and hopes ...... floated around

so many unfulfilled dreams ..... never failing to hang around to haunt

so many shattered dreams ..... heard loud and clear

flashbacks ... over and over again .... realizations of the truth still hurts

i 'have' a dream became i 'had' a dream... cos it all stayed as a dream

Whoever said dreams will make you big in the future?? ......... it made me feel ever so small

So, do you stop dreaming....??

no...... i didnt stop.....

i only started dreaming even more........

... to compensate for the loss

... to compensate for the lies

... to compensate for the love... which was never there in the past

did it help??

no... it didnt....

it only made it worse....

... to the extend that made me doubt my own sanity

and then i started dreaming with a different hope, a different light, a different vision, a different reason, a different source

this time,

i know it will be fulfilled .... in double portions

i know i will hear sounds loud and clear ..... sounds of laughter and joy ... my own

i know i will have memories .... of good things... from deep within

i know i wont be disappointed .....

this time.... i'm desperately hoping... just like last time

the only difference between now and past...

... is that now,

i know my source



**HOPE** said…
so, which parts of the movie triggered this melancholy in you? i suppose it not the [masculine] beauty of the protagonist. ;)
Chumi Lakshmi said…
everything in the movie!!

btw, who's replying from HOPE? the teacher or the guru besar??
**HOPE** said…
I don't think the teacher ever signs-in under HOPE.

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