yay... crab crab crab!!!
I HAD CRAB TODAY!!! Hehehe….. only 2 days ago I was craving for crab n today I had crab for dinner!! It wasn’t like how it is in Bukit Tambun….but it was crab anyways!!!! Actually, crab for dinner today was least expected….my friend’s grandmother had cooked crab n since my friend likes crabs too…she gave some for all of us….me happy….hehehhe!!! Anyhow…my list of eating places n menu is still increasing…I wonder if I’ll have enough time to eat all that during my break!! Hahahha…my mum will be happy anyway cos i’m surely gonna bloat up n put on weight!! Ahahahha…. Other than crabs for dinner….d rest of d day was normal….kindda boring actually…… My friend n I were early for class today for a change…cos both of us had shortage in our eng attendance n d teacher who comes in on Mondays is very particular about punctuality. She doesn’t let anyone in if they r even 5 minutes late….. because of that I’ve missed all her classes except once since December last year...