
there are a lot of things which i want to share...which i want to get out of my system...but i dont feel like it...

yesterday was good...a totally different experience...n i dont feel like blogging about it at all today....

i guess i'll be ok in a day or two...hopefully!!

some ppl might think i'm moody n i always have issues....but i'm not like that at all...its just that certain situation makes me appear like that...

i cant tolerate backstabbers, n ppl who lie according to their convenience and for their benefits n i absolutely cannot tolerate ppl who "look" as if they r willing to go all out for someone else...but in their heart they dont give a damn about anyone else except themselves....that is so very fake!! n i cannot live like that nor do i have to adjust to these kind of ppl!!

i mean....if i say i dont lie, or i dont cheat...i mean it!! n i mean it when i say i cannot tolarate ppl who r two faced!! because of these kindda ppl around me...my character n attitude tend to change more often....

today i really broke down....i couldnt take this backstabbing n selfish behaviour...if u cant do it, y not just say so...!! y do u have to make a scene in front of everybody that u love me n adore me n r willing to do anything for me!! that is plain cheap!!

a lot of thoughts started building up in my mind.... n i came to a point where i wasnt sure of what God was trying to teach me.....but u know wat...my God is ALWAYS beside me no matter wat happens....!!! it's like that footprints story....during times of difficulty...God is always carrying me through it!!

i was grumbling n complaining to my mum about wat was happening... n mum told me to pray n pour it out to d Lord instead of pouring it out to d google talk in d computer screen!! n i did....n u know wat...God is simply awesome!! d verses which i read were meant for me!! n they were meant especially for today!!! God doesnt give u anything more than wat u can handle ....if things get tougher than d present situation....God thinks u r strong enough to handle it!! n He's always there to carry u through d tough times!!

once in a while my mum tells me that in today's world, i have to live like other selfish ppl around me....but y should i??!! i want to be who i am! i dont want to wear a mask or plaster a fake smile on my face n act as is i love that person with all my heart when i dont like their attitude at all!! i'd rather appear to be heartless than to act like a saint n break someone else's heart later!!

i dont care wat ppl think of me...i dont care if everyone in d world says that i am moody, or i always have issues or i get upset easily....or watever it may be...because...in the end...it's never between me n them...it's always been between me n God!! let ppl think watever they want to think...they r not going to judge me!! i want to be right in d site of the Lord...n so i will be!!!


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