yay yay!!!

i'm so happy !! i got a new keyboard!!!! hahahah!! eheheh....

i actually waited for a keyboard for almost 2 years now!! i couldnt bring my own keyboard from home cos it was too heavy...n a friend wanted to take mine....but he was delaying...cos he was expecting me to give my keyboard to him just like that one!!

wat will i do for money if i give it to him just like that??!! my mum will skin me alive if i go n ask her for some more money to buy keyboard!! as it is, she was so upset that i wasnt making proper use of d expensive keyboard that she got for me a day i asked her for it without a second thought!! this time she said it's up to me n my friend who wanted d keyboard....

so, i've been pestering him to buy me a simpler keyboard here in india, n then he can take mine which is back at home...cos that one is really really gud.....n he's been delaying it all this while...

yesterday all of a sudden he said "ok let's go to d music shop"...n then we saw a few keyboards.....n this one was more than his budget which he promised me....but i kept bugging him, giving him d baby smiles, n pls pls pls.....hehehe...until he agreed n took out his credit card!!! ahahah!!! n he even carried d keyboard back to my room ( on d 3rd floor of my friend's house) ( he normally hates to carry my keyboard for me...he'll always make me carry my own keyboard which weighs 20kgs!! ). so sweet of him!!! hehehe

so, both of us r happy now!!! i got a new keyboard....so now i dont have to walk to my friends house so often to practice keyboard...(but that also means that i wont be able to c my dream guy often... :( .....)...n he is happy cos he finally gets my keyboard!!

well, alls well, ends well.....


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