
hhmmm...have been missing in action (M.I.A) for quite some time now....loads of things have been happening....its just that i didnt really have d time to blog....well...i'll try n remember all that i did n give u d shortened version of course...i'm sure u'll just give up readin my blog if i write in detail about everything!! :P

26.01.07 (friday)

it was a republic day..so it was a national public holiday...i stayed at home like a good girl n did assignments, online-ing, chatting, n day dreaming obviously...hehehe.....

n went out in d evening to buy something for my mum....it was her birthday on the 24th ....there was this sale going on in a few places...so, went n looked around...n finally got her a Punjabi suit...i hope she likes it....but i havent told her about it...n i dont intend to...hehehe....i wanna give her a surprise in Feb ...cos am planning to send it through a friend in Feb....

27.01.07 (saturday)

i actually had one hour of class in d morning...( yes, unfortunately i have classes almost all d saturdays!! ) ...but i didnt go cos i had to either walk or wait for d rick...which is always troublesome...so, i woke up kindda late n was peacefully having my breakfast while watching tv, when my friend practically begged me to follow her for some sort of seminar in which d Karnataka State CM would be attending.....( i've met both d Malaysian Prime Ministers in person, shoke hands with them n spoke to them for quite some time....so d CM of this state was no big deal for me......but because my friend looked desperate...i decided to do her a fav.....)...n i do not want to talk about wat happened after that!! that was when i put up d shout out which says " i've had enough of this state/country/language/attitude!!".... my whole day was ruined....until i went for d choir prac in d evening...that really cheered me up....

28.01.07 (sunday)

woke up at normal time in d morning...went to church ...n when i came back i realised that there was no power....i thought there'll be electricity again within a few minutes or maximum 1 hour....but little did i know that things were just d same in bangalore as it is all over india...we didnt have power till 7 at nite!!!!! d whole day i just died without power!! cos no tv, no music, no internet!!! i couldnt even put my clothes for washing.....n d residents in this area were not even informed!!

so...nothing progressive at all for d day....just sat still on my bed n looked out d door... dreaming...as usual....n slept a lot....:p

29.01.07 (monday)

had college on that day...classes were as usual....n i started reading a book by Joyce Meyer...bought d book long back...but was lazy to start reading it....anyway, i made a point to read that book...n i did....made me realize a lot of things...kindda opened my mind n thoughts....it's not like i never knew those things that she has written in her book....i knew it like so long ago...but never really looked at it d way she had pointed it out.....

30.01.07 ( tuesday)

holiday again....but i dont know for wat occassion....as long as we get a day off from college...i dont mind watever d reason may be for....hehehe.....but....i have NO CLUE wat happened that day!! i'm becoming very forgetful due to short term memory!! =s =s

31.01.07 ( wednesday)

college again....had practicals d 1st hour....but we didnt do much ...cos d blood sample was fresh...n there was some problem with the optical density machine....so, we were just hanging around n talking n waking about in d lab.....

after college i followed my friend to some institute....my friend was involved in a retreat programme n it was starting that day...d participants were coming in that day...so we went straight from college...my friend told me that we'd be back early cos nothing much to do that day...that's y i agreed to follow cos i hadnt told mum yet....i thought i can come back in time before mum calls....but we were late....we only reached home at about 8.30pm....

n i forgot to inform my friend's mum that i'll be late too that day....usually i come back home early...by 4pm i'll be at home already....my friend always comes back late.....since we expected to come back home by 5 in d evening...i didnt tell aunty....n i completely forgot to call her up even while we were in that institute.... aunty was so angry when we got back at 8.30pm...she was worried that i wasnt back yet...

01.02.07 (thursday)

i made my new year resolutions today...i know it's a 1st of feb...n new year resolutions r supposed to be made on d 1st on jan....it's just that whenever i make any resolutions...i dont really bother keeping it...n most of d time i forget it within a few weeks or months....so wats d point...i just didnt bother wasting my time....

but after reading d Joyce Meyer's book...n after a few incidents ...n serious thoughts....i came up to some conclusions...i've decided to do certain things...n not to do certain things.....i wrote down my list of new year resolutions....n i've kept it in a place where i'll see it often...that way...i can remind myself once in a while even if i forget it...

i'm bent on keeping my new year resolutions this year....

n my Biotech lecturer told us that she's gonna give us tests once a week startig from d 15th of feb cos she's finished her portions already..i dont have a problem with d test at all....its d date....i'll be hooked up from d 14th till the 19th of this month....i guess i'll have to start studying earlier for this test....

02.02.07 ( friday)

had chem practicals today....n it was a total mess!! we didnt have chem pracs for 2 weeks in a row cos of tests n holiday...n we sort of forgot everything....

i simply hate this sem's chem practicals!! it's so complicated...n it takes such a long time to find out d salts....!!

i've broken 2 test tubes this sem!! n these r d 1st things that i've ever broken in d lab in my whole entire life!!

first of all d lecturer kept shifting me from one place to another for no reason at all!! n then i forgot how to do certain things...cos like i said...it's complicated...n we havent been doing this stuff for 2 weeks now....n then to top it all off, i accidentally poured concentrated sulphuric acid on my finger!! i thought that was d last of my finger i was ever gonna see!! my beautiful fingers are distorted now!!! :( ...d skin on that finger still feels different...i think its gonna be worse tomorrow!!!

n i have loads of work to do today...i ahve to finish up some assignments this weekend cos i wont have enough time to cramp all d studying n assignmnets n record works towards d end of d month....because i'll be busy


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